Reconnaissance fluid inclusion study of the
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  • journal_title:American Mineralogist
  • Contributor:John R. Smerekanicz ; Francis O. Dudas
  • Publisher:Mineralogical Society of America
  • Date:1999-
  • Format:text/html
  • Language:en
  • journal_abbrev:American Mineralogist
  • issn:0003-004X
  • volume:84
  • issue:5-6
  • firstpage:746
  • section:Articles

Over 90% of the fluid inclusions in quartz, topaz, and beryl from the Morefield pegmatite, Amelia Co., Virginia, contain mixed CO 2 -H 2 O fluids. In order of abundance, there are four inclusion types: (1) three-phase, l-l-v; (2) two-phase; H 2 O-rich; (3) three- or four-phase, l-v-s and l-l-v-s; and (4) two-phase, CO 2 -rich. CO 2 -rich inclusions formed by necking of inclusions containing mixed fluids. Topaz and quartz contain all four inclusion types, and all types occur throughout the pegmatite, although no H 2 O-rich inclusions occur in beryl. Quartz from gneiss that hosts the pegmatite contains dominantly H 2 O-rich inclusions. Most inclusions are secondary and occur along healed fractures. Possible primary inclusions occur only among those that contain solids. All inclusions homogenize into the liquid phase; a few homogenize to liquid CO 2 . H 2 O-rich inclusions with <2 wt% NaCl (eq.) and homogenization temperatures <200 degrees C occur in the host gneiss and throughout the pegmatite and are interpreted to contain meteoric waters. H 2 O-rich and mixed fluid inclusions with 3-7 wt% NaCl (eq.) and homogenization temperatures >290 degrees C contain fluids interpreted to derive primarily from the pegmatite. Inclusions with salinities between 3-13 wt% NaCl (eq.) and intermediate homogenization temperatures are in part cooled equivalents of the pegmatite fluids, but the origin of those with salinity >7 wt% NaCl (eq.) is uncertain. Homogenization temperatures for CO 2 indicate average CO 2 densities near 0.65 g/cm 3 . For mixed fluids homogenizing near 300 degrees C and this CO 2 density, the trapping pressure is estimated to be 2.5 kb. Neither age relations nor physical proximity tie the Morefield pegmatite to known granitic intrusions. Fluid compositions preclude a genetic relation between the pegmatite and its host gneisses.

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