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  • journal_title:The Canadian Mineralogist
  • Contributor:Anna Vymazalová ; Milan Drábek
  • Publisher:Mineralogical Association of Canada
  • Date:2010-
  • Format:text/html
  • Language:en
  • Identifier:10.3749/canmin.48.5.1051
  • journal_abbrev:Can Mineral
  • issn:0008-4476
  • volume:48
  • issue:5
  • firstpage:1051
  • section:Articles

The phase relations in the system Pd–Sn–Te were investigated with the evacuated silica tube method, and characterized by electron-microprobe analysis and powder X-ray diffraction. The experimental charges were weighed using pure elements or presynthesized binary phases. The isothermal section was investigated at 400°C. Our experiments revealed the existence of three ternary phases: Pd67Sn11Te22, Pd72Sn16Te12 and PdSnTe, unknown as minerals. Two previously reported ternary phases, “Pd73Sn10Te17” and “Pd71Sn7Te22”, were not identified in this work. The experiments presented have provided useful data concerning the ranges of solid solutions in the ternary system. The phase PdTe2, analogue of merenskyite, dissolves up to 3.5 at.% Sn; the phase PdTe, analogue of kotulskite, dissolves up to 19 at.% Sn, and the phase Pd20Te7 dissolves up to 4 at.% Sn. The phase Pd2Sn, analogue of paolovite, dissolves up to 4 at.% Te, and the phase Pd3Sn, analogue of atokite, dissolves up to 0.5 at.% Te. At 400°C, the following assemblages were encountered: Sn(liq) + SnTe + PdSn2, PdSn2 + SnTe + PdSn, PdSn + SnTe + Pd20Sn13, SnTe + Te + PdTe2, SnTe + Pd(Te,Sn)2ss + PdSnTe, SnTe + Pd20Sn13 + PdSnTe, Pd20Sn13 + PdSnTe + Pd(Te,Sn)ss, PdSnTe + Pd(Sn,Te)2ss+ Pd(Te,Sn)ss, Pd20Sn13 + Pd2(Sn,Te)ss+ Pd(Te,Sn)ss, Pd2(Sn,Te)ss + PdTe + Pd67Sn11Te22, PdTe + Pd67Sn11Te22 + Pd3Te2, Pd67Sn11Te22 + Pd3Te2 + Pd9Te4, Pd67Sn11Te22 + Pd9Te4 + Pd20Te7, Pd2(Sn,Te)ss + Pd67Sn11Te22 + Pd72Sn16Te12, Pd2(Sn,Te)ss + Pd73Sn14Te13 + Pd3(Sn,Te)ss, Pd72Sn16Te12 + Pd67Sn11Te22 + Pd20(Te,Sn)7ss, Pd3(Sn,Te)ss + Pd72Sn16Te12 + Pd20(Te,Sn)7ss, Pd3(Sn,Te)ss + Pd20(Te,Sn)7ss + Pd17Te4 and Pd3Sn + Pd17Te4 + Pd.

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