Economic assessment of organic,eco-friendly,and conventional peach production methods in Northern Utah
  • 作者:Knudsen ; Trevor D.
  • 学历:Master
  • 年:2015
  • 关键词:Social sciences ; Agricultural economics ; Agriculture
  • 导师:Curtis,Kynda R.
  • 毕业院校:Utah State University
  • Department:Agriculture
  • 专业:Economics;Agricultural economics
  • ISBN:9781321580174
  • CBH:1584423
  • Country:USA
  • 语种:English
  • FileSize:3715721
  • Pages:107
Economic Assessment of Organic,Eco-Friendly,and Conventional Peach Production Methods in Northern Utah by Trevor D. Knudsen,Master of Science Utah State University,2015 Major Professor: Dr. Kynda R. Curtis Department: Applied Economics Fruit producers in Northern Utah face the threat of urbanization,decreased availability of agricultural land,and competition from domestic producers and imports. Hence,small-scale fruit producers are examining alternate forms of production and labeling programs to increase the potential for profitable operations as they compete for land,water,and other resources,and against oftentimes less expensive imported goods. As consumer segments are willing to pay (WTP) a premium for foods differentiated by production methods such as organic,eco-friendly,grass-fed,and local,these methods may assist smaller producers in achieving greater net returns for their products. Implementing new or additional production practices,however,may also bring on new costs and risks. This study looks into the risks and returns associated with conventional,eco-friendly,and organic peach production in Northern Utah. The risk and returns were analyzed for each of three prospective orchards. Study results show that conventional peach production has the possibility of the highest net returns,but that organic peach production will bring the highest average net returns. It was also found that organic peach production poses the lowest risk to producers and therefore would be preferred to producers of any risk tolerance and could be a profitable option for fruit producers in Northern Utah. The results of this study may be used to guide producers in making orchard management decisions and in assessing the profitability of alternative peach production methods. (106 pages)

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