Discerning moral acts of courage in the financial sector: An inquiry into the whistleblowing experience
  • 作者:Weghmann ; Katharina Maria Eleonore
  • 学历:Doctor
  • 年:2014
  • 关键词:Social sciences ; Education ; Courage ; Democracy ; Financ
  • 导师:Marsick,Victoria,Gondek,Adela
  • 毕业院校:Columbia University
  • Department:Organization and Leadership
  • 专业:Business administration;Social research;Adult education
  • ISBN:9781321024326
  • CBH:3627280
  • Country:USA
  • 语种:English
  • FileSize:4785989
  • Pages:253
The purpose of this exploratory qualitative multiple-case study was to investigate moral behavior in the financial sector,in light of the public's increasing mistrust subsequent to the financial crisis of 2008. The study focused on the process and influencing factors of moral acts of courage (MAC) by analyzing the experiences of 14 corporate professionals,who spoke up about misconduct in their organizations. Data were mainly collected through interviews and pre-interview questionnaires and analyzed using case study methods (Yin,2013),which surfaced the following findings: 1) While the outcomes depend on the level of escalation,the process can be described as tormenting and complex,2) key internal drivers are principle and empathy,3) participants achieve personal growth despite devastating consequences,4) the presence of numerous internal resources and a support system seem to be indispensable facilitators,5) organizational strategy and systems fiercely cultivate conformity and systemic greed,6) behavior on an individual,organizational,and systemic level is increasingly shaped by money,which leads to an erosion of values and democratic principles in our societies. The researcher generally concluded that the engagement in a MAC is part of a democracy's essential mechanism yet,unalienable right to regulate and challenge predatory dominant ideologies within society. In the context of the study however,whistleblowers were ostracized and retaliated against for speaking up instead of being supported for their prioritization of the greater good over systemic greed. The following recommendations are proposed: 1) Speaking up on an individual,organizational,and systemic level ought to be promoted and legally protected,unless evidence is proven to be wrong. 2) While being disruptive,a MAC should be seized as a learning opportunity. 3) To cultivate an environment of democratic justice,there needs to be personal accountability,transparent separation of executive and regulatory functions within governments and organizations,and a principled legal system. 4) The term whistleblowing should be reframed to one with a positive connotation in an effort to promote a widespread change in perception.

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