Parallelism,Patterns,and Performance in Iterative MRI Reconstruction.
  • 作者:Murphy ; Mark.
  • 学历:Doctor
  • 年:2011
  • 导师:Lustig, Michael,eadvisorKeutzer, Kurt,eadvisorMcMains, Saraecommittee member
  • 毕业院校:University of California
  • Department:Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences
  • ISBN:9781267228833
  • CBH:3499033
  • Country:USA
  • 语种:English
  • FileSize:46412283
  • Pages:126
Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI) is a non-invasive and highly flexible medical imaging modality that does not expose patients ionizing radiation. MR Image acquisitions can be designed by varying a large number of contrast-generation parameters, and many clinical diagnostic applications exist. However, imaging speed is a fundamental limitation to many potential applications. Traditionally, MRI data have been collected at Nyquist sampling rates to produce alias-free images. However, many recent scan acceleration techniques produce sub-Nyquist samplings. For example, Parallel Imaging is a well-established acceleration technique that receives the MR signal simultaneously from multiple receive channels. Compressed sensing leverages randomized undersampling and the compressibility e.g. via Wavelet transforms or Total-Variation) of medical images to allow more aggressive undersampling. Reconstruction of clinically viable images from these highly accelerated acquisitions requires powerful, usually iterative algorithms. Non-Cartesian pulse sequences that perform non-equispaced sampling of k-space further increase computational intensity of reconstruction, as they preclude direct use of the Fast Fourier Transform FFT). Most iterative algorithms can be understood by considering the MRI reconstruction as an inverse problem, where measurements of un-observable parameters are made via an observation function that models the acquisition process. Traditional direct reconstruction methods attempt to invert this observation function, whereas iterative methods require its repeated computation and computation of its adjoint. As a result, naive sequential implementations of iterative reconstructions produce unfeasibly long runtimes. Their computational intensity is a substantial barrier to their adoption in clinical MRI practice. A powerful new family of massively parallel microprocessor architectures has emerged simultaneously with the development of these new reconstruction techniques. Due to fundamental limitations in silicon fabrication technology, sequential microprocessors reached the power-dissipation limits of commodity cooling systems in the early 2000s. The techniques used by processor architects to extract instruction-level parallelism from sequential programs face ever-diminishing returns, and further performance improvement of sequential processors via increasing clock-frequency has become impractical. However, circuit density and process feature sizes still improve at Moores Law rates. With every generation of silicon fabrication technology, a larger number of transistors are available to system architects. Consequently, all microprocessor vendors now exclusively produce multi-core parallel processors. Additionally, the move towards on-chip parallelism has allowed processor architects a larger degree of freedom in the design of multi-threaded pipelines and memory hierarchies. Many of the inefficiencies inherent in superscalar out-of-order design are being replaced by the high efficiency afforded by throughput-oriented designs. The move towards on-chip parallelism has resulted in a vast increase in the amount of computational power available in commodity systems. However, this move has also shifted the burden of computational performance towards software developers. In particular, the highly efficient implementation of MRI reconstructions on these systems requires manual parallelization and optimization. Thus, while ubiquitous parallelism provides a solution to the computational intensity of iterative MRI reconstructions, it also poses a substantial software productivity challenge. In this thesis, we propose that a principled approach to the design and implementation of reconstruction algorithms can ameliorate this software productivity issue. We draw much inspiration from developments in the field of computational science, which has faced similar parallelization and software development challenges for several decades. We propose a Software Architecture for the implementation of reconstruction algorithms, which composes two Design Patterns that originated in the domain of massively parallel scientific computing. This architecture allows for the most computationally intense operations performed by MRI reconstructions to be implemented as re-usable libraries. Thus the software development effort required to produce highly efficient and heavily optimized implementations of these operations can be amortized over many different reconstruction systems. Additionally, the architecture prescribes several different strategies for mapping reconstruction algorithms onto parallel processors, easing the burden of parallelization. We describe the implementation of a complete reconstruction, ℓ1-SPIRiT, according to these strategies. ℓ1-SPIRiT is a general reconstruction framework that seamlessly integrates all three of the scan acceleration techniques mentioned above. Our implementation achieves substantial performance improvement over baseline, and has enabled substantial clinical evaluation of its approach to combining Parallel Imaging and Compressive Sensing. Additionally, we include an in-depth description of the performance optimization of the non-uniform Fast Fourier Transform nuFFT), an operation used in all non-Cartesian reconstructions. This discussion complements well our description of ℓ1-SPIRiT, which we have only implemented for Cartesian samplings.

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