Neue literarische annaherungen an den mythos Amerika. Zum Amerikabild in den romanen Woraus wir gemacht sind (2006) von Thomas Hettche und Gesellschaft mit beschrankter Haftung (2012) von Nora Bossong.
  • 作者:Gilliar ; Katrin M.
  • 学历:M.A.
  • 年:2013
  • 导师:Mundt, Hannelore,eadvisorPerson, Markecommittee memberAdelt, Ulrichecommittee member
  • 毕业院校:University of Wyoming
  • Department:Modern and Classical Languages
  • ISBN:9781303192340
  • CBH:1540496
  • Country:USA
  • 语种:English
  • FileSize:1729226
  • Pages:91
Literary works in German that construct images of and narratives about the United States predate the 18th century. Notable is the publication of numerous novels in which a German, Austrian, or Swiss protagonist travels to the US. These literary portrayals of, and experiences with 'Amerika' can illustrate the predominantly Janus-headed attitude of Europeans towards the New World. Absolute enthusiasm clashes with harsh criticism. Such a polarity of opinion results from myths and stereotypes connected with the United States rather than reality. These early fictional construction of 'Amerika' have left its impact upon late 20th century German literature. Rather than directly representing reality, these later images of America have the character of 'signs' as Peter Handke displays in Der kurze Brief zum langen Abschied (1972). This novel marks the beginning of a period in which many authors demonstrate a greater awareness how their own pre-conceptions of America influence their fictional worlds. Through a close literary analysis, this thesis examines whether the contemporary novels Woraus wir gemacht sind (2006) by Thomas Hettche and Gesellschaft mit beschrä;nkter Haftung (2012) by Nora Bossong depict the United States simply by repeating well-established myths and prejudices or, instead, approach these from a critical stance and render them transparent. In particular, this thesis explores how skeptical, if at all, the viewpoint of these authors is relative to the apolitical one taken in the 1970s by Handke. The analysis reveals sharp contrasts between the two works. Hettche's fairly absurd story set shortly after the events of September 2001 presents a somewhat disillusioned image of an America for which his protagonist still feels affections, whereas Bossong's ultimately one-dimensional novel written in the midst of the 'Great Recession' depicts a highly critical image of the US that signals the end in the beliefs of the 'American Dream'.

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