Cardiovascular response to epinephrine varies with increasing duration of cardiac arrest
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mg src="" class="charImg" alt="image" title="image" height="96" width="302">Havia uma tend&#xea;ncia para o d&#xe9;bito ser maior no grupo EPI. O grupo que recebeu EPI+ANG n&#xe3;o teve d&#xe9;bitos superiores aos que receberam só EPI ou ANG. Os grupos que receberam EPI tiveram MBF marcadamente mais elevado a seguir &#xe0; ROSC quando comparados com o grupo ANG (P<0.05). Conclusões: A combina&#xe7;&#xe3;o de EPI com ANG n&#xe3;o melhorou o MBF durante a paragem card&#xed;aca. A epinefrina pode aumentar a MBF quando comparada com a angiotensina II no per&#xed;odo pós reperfus&#xe3;o.


Introducción: Actualmente se usa epinefrina y vasopresina para mejorar el flujo mioc&#xe1;rdico (MBF) durante el paro card&#xed;aco. Se ha mostrado que la angiotensina II tambi&#xe9;n mejora el MBF durante la reanimación cardiopulmonar. Exploramos los efectos de la angiotensina II, de la epinefrina sola, y de la combinación de la angiotensina con epinefrina sobre el flujo cerebral y mioc&#xe1;rdico en un modelo porcino de paro card&#xed;aco. M&#xe9;todos: Se instrumentaron los cerdos para realizar mediciones de flujo sangu&#xed;neo regional. Se indujo fibrilación ventricular y se inició RCP. Se administró Angiotensina II 50 mcg/kg (ANG), epinefrina 0.02 mg/kg (EPI) o la combinación de ambos (ANG+EPI). Se midió el flujo sangu&#xed;neo durante el ritmo sinusal normal basal (NSR), antes (CPR) y despu&#xe9;s de la administración de la droga (CPR+DRUG), y despu&#xe9;s del retorno a circulación espont&#xe1;nea (ROSC). Resultados: todos los grupos presentaron un aumento significativo en el, MBF durante la CPR despu&#xe9;s de la droga (P<0.05).

mg src="" class="charImg" alt="image" title="image" height="96" width="302">En los grupos EPI hubo una tendencia hacia mayores flujos. El grupo que recibió ambos EPI y ANG no presentó flujos mayores que el EPI o ANG solo. Ambos grupos que recibieron EPI presentaron MBF marcadamente elevado despu&#xe9;s del ROSC comparado con angiotensina II (P<0.05). Conclusiones: La combinación de ANG y EPI no mejoró el MBF durante el paro card&#xed;aco. La epinefrina puede mejorar el MBF post reperfusión comparado con la angiotensina II.

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ResuscitationVolume 36, Issue 3March 1998, Pages 181-185
Charles B. Cairns, James T. Niemann

Study purpose: To assess the hemodynamic response to repeated doses of epinephrine (EPI) in an animal model of prolonged cardiac arrest and CPR. Design: Basic laboratory investigation. Fourteen canines were subjected to electrically induced ventricular fibrillation (VF) followed by 7.5 min of VF without CPR. Interventions: After 7.5 min of VF, manual closed-chest CPR (80–100 compressions per minute, compression to ventilation ratio 8:1) was initiated. Countershocks were performed, recommended advanced cardiac life support drugs were given, and CPR was continuted until restoration of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) or for 20 min. Epinephrine, 1 mg (approximately 0.04 mg kg−1), was administered when indicated and at recommended time intervals. Methods: Aortic and right atrial pressures were measured with micromanometer catheters before and after EPI, and CPR coronary perfusion pressure (CPP) was calculated (CPR diastolic aortic to right atrial pressure difference). Survival was defined as maintenance of ROSC for 30 min. Results: Countershocks after 7.5 min resulted in asystole in ten animals and persistant VF in four. In those animals successfully resuscitated (n=3), the change in CPP was 21±11 mm Hg after the first dose of EPI. Only one animal required a second dose of EPI. The majority of the study group (n=11) could not be resuscitated. The increase in CPP after EPI averaged only 3±2 mm Hg and subsequent doses produced no significant effect on CPP (2±4 mm Hg). Conclusions: The hemodynamic response to the first dose of EPI determines if the critical CPP needed for ROSC and survival will occur. Repeat doses of EPI do not appear to improve CPP to a degree to affect clinically meaningful measures of outcome, i.e., successful countershock and survival.

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