Distribution and phenotypes of unipolar brush cells in relation to the granule cell system of the rat cochlear nucleus
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In most mammals the cochlear nuclear complex (CN) contains a distributed system of granule cells (GCS), whose parallel fiber axons innervate the dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN). Like their counterpart in cerebellum, CN granules are innervated by mossy fibers of various origins. The GCS is complemented by unipolar brush (UBCs) and Golgi cells, and by stellate and cartwheel cells of the DCN. This cerebellum-like microcircuit modulates the activity of the DCN′s main projection neurons, the pyramidal, giant and tuberculoventral neurons, and is thought to improve auditory performance by integrating acoustic and proprioceptive information. In this paper, we focus on the rat UBCs, a chemically heterogeneous neuronal population, using antibodies to calretinin, metabotropic glutamate receptor 1greek small letter alpha (mGluR1greek small letter alpha), epidermal growth factor substrate 8 (Eps8) and the transcription factor T-box gene Tbr2 (Tbr2). Eps8 and Tbr2 labeled most of the CN′s UBCs, if not the entire population, while calretinin and mGluR1greek small letter alpha distinguished two largely separate subsets with overlapping distributions. By double labeling with antibodies to Tbr2 and the greek small letter alpha6 GABA receptor A (GABAA) subunit, we found that UBCs populate all regions of the GCS and occur at remarkably high densities in the DCN and subpeduncular corner, but rarely in the lamina. Although GCS subregions likely share the same microcircuitry, their dissimilar UBC densities suggest they may be functionally distinct. UBCs and granules are also present in regions previously not included in the GCS, namely the rostrodorsal magnocellular portions of ventral cochlear nucleus, vestibular nerve root, trapezoid body, spinal tract and sensory and principal nuclei of the trigeminal nerve, and cerebellar peduncles. The UBC's dendritic brush receives AMPA- and NMDA-mediated input from an individual mossy fiber, favoring singularity of input, and its axon most likely forms several mossy fiber–like endings that target numerous granule cells and other UBCs, as in the cerebellum. The UBCs therefore, may amplify afferent signals temporally and spatially, synchronizing pools of target neurons.

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