SuSpect: A Fortran code for the Supersymmetric and Higgs particle spectrum in the MSSM
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We present the Fortran code SuSpect version 2.3, which calculates the Supersymmetric and Higgs particle spectrum in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). The calculation can be performed in constrained models with universal boundary conditions at high scales such as the gravity (mSUGRA), anomaly (AMSB) or gauge (GMSB) mediated supersymmetry breaking models, but also in the non-universal MSSM case with R-parity and CP conservation. Care has been taken to treat important features such as the renormalization group evolution of parameters between low and high energy scales, the consistent implementation of radiative electroweak symmetry breaking and the calculation of the physical masses of the Higgs bosons and supersymmetric particles taking into account the dominant radiative corrections. Some checks of important theoretical and experimental features, such as the absence of non-desired minima, large fine-tuning in the electroweak symmetry breaking condition, as well as agreement with precision measurements can be performed. The program is simple to use, self-contained and can easily be linked to other codes; it is rather fast and flexible, thus allowing scans of the parameter space with several possible options and choices for model assumptions and approximations.

Program summary

Title of program:SuSpect

Catalogue identifier:ADYR_v1_0

Program summary URL:

Program obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen's University of Belfast, N. Ireland

Licensing provisions:none

Programming language used:FORTRAN 77

Computer:Unix machines, PC

No. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.:21 821

No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.:249 657

Distribution format:tar.gz

Operating system:Unix (or Linux)

RAM:approximately 2500 Kbytes

Number of processors used:1 processor

Nature of problem:SuSpect calculates the supersymmetric and Higgs particle spectrum (masses and some other relevant parameters) in the unconstrained Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM), as well as in constrained models (cMSSMs) such as the minimal Supergravity (mSUGRA), the gauge mediated (GMSB) and anomaly mediated (AMSB) Supersymmetry breaking scenarii. The following features and ingredients are included: renormalization group evolution between low and high energy scales, consistent implementation of radiative electroweak symmetry breaking, calculation of the physical particle masses with radiative corrections at the one- and two-loop level.

Solution method:The main methods used in the code are: (1) an (adaptative fourth-order) Runge–Kutta type algorithm (following a standard algorithm described in “Numerical Recipes”), used to solve numerically a set of coupled differential equations resulting from the renormalization group equations at the two-loop level of the perturbative expansions; (2) diagonalizations of mass matrices; (3) some mathematical (Spence, etc) functions resulting from the evaluation of one and two-loop integrals using the Feynman graphs techniques for radiative corrections to the particle masses; (4) finally, some fixed-point iterative algorithms to solve non-linear equations for some of the relevant output parameters.

Restrictions:(1) The code is limited at the moment to real input parameters. (2) It also does not include flavor non-diagonal terms which are possible in the most general soft supersymmetry breaking Lagrangian. (3) There are some (mild) limitations on the possible range of values of input parameter, i.e. not any arbitrary values of some input parameters are allowed: these limitations are essentially based on physical rather than algorithmic issues, and warning flags and other protections are installed to avoid as much as possible execution failure if unappropriate input values are used.

Running time:between 1 and 3 seconds depending on options, with a 1 GHz processor.

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