Nuclear break-up of <sup>11sup>Be
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The break-up of <sup>11sup>Be was studied at 41 AMeV using a secondary beam of <sup>11sup>Be from the GANIL facility on a <sup>48sup>Ti target by measuring correlations between the <sup>10sup>Be core, the emitted neutrons and gamma rays. The nuclear break-up leading to the emission of a neutron at large angle in the laboratory frame is identified with the “towing mode” through its characteristic n-fragment correlation. The experimental spectra are compared with a model where the time dependent Schrödinger equation (TDSE) is solved for the neutron initially in the <sup>11sup>Be. A good agreement is found between experiment and theory for the shapes of neutron experimental energies and angular distributions. The spectroscopic factor of the 2s orbital is tentatively extracted to be style="text-decoration:none; color:black" href="/science?_ob=MathURL&_method=retrieve&_udi=B6TVB-4PBDPWK-1&_mathId=mml1&_user=10&_cdi=5530&_rdoc=2&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_userid=10&md5=a6ee58f814451577491882b4cda80b9d" title="Click to view the MathML source">0.46±0.15. The neutron emission from the 1p and 1d orbitals is also studied.

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