Long time course adaptation of glucose metabolism to high protein feeding in rats without changes in resting energy expenditure
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We studied 22 female in-patients with a mean age of 14.7 years (SD 1.2). Resting energy expenditure was measured by indirect calorimetry (Deltatrac™ II MBM-200). We compared measured resting energy expenditure to values estimated by several predictive formulas [Fleisch, Harris-Benedict, FAO, Schofield-HW, Schebendach] using the intraclass correlation coefficient and the Bland–Altman method.


Body mass index increased significantly (P<0.001). Measured resting energy expenditure increased during hospitalization (P<0.05). All formulas overestimated resting energy expenditure with respect to indirect calorimetry except the Schebendach formula. The intraclass correlation between indirect calorimetry and the formulas were poor (0.09–0.20). We observed a poor clinical agreement (Bland–Altman).


Body mass index and resting energy expenditure increased during hospitalization. The majority of the predictive formulas overestimate resting energy expenditure in adolescent patients with anorexia nervosa. Therefore, indirect calorimetry may be a very useful tool for calculating caloric requirements in these patients.

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ktLink_3')" onMouseOut="InfoBubble.timeout()">Components of energy expenditure in tumor-bearing anima...
Journal of Surgical Research

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You are not entitled to access the full text of this document Components of energy expenditure in tumor-bearing animals
Journal of Surgical ResearchVolume 48, Issue 6June 1990, Pages 573-578
James D. Luketich, David Rigberg, Richard Banchs, M. Shinkwin, Robert Sigal, John Daly, James L. Mullen

Single snapshot measurements of resting energy expenditure (REE) suggest that hypermetabolism contributes to cancer cachexia, but tumor impact on total 24-hr energy expenditure (TEE) is unknown. Automated multicage indirect calorimetry was employed to measure daily energy expenditure in adult Buffalo rats (n = 16) randomized to tumor inoculation or controls. Measurements included baseline REE, activity EE (AEE), thermic response to food (TEF), and TEE. Rats (n = 16) were randomized. Metabolic measurements, tumor size, and body weight were recorded weekly. Animals were sacrificed at Week 5 for analysis of host and tumor composition. Significant depletion of total lean body mass occurred in TB rats (> 15%wt loss, ANOVA P < 0.001) which inversely correlated with tumor growth (r = −0.81, P < 0.001). REE, TEF, AEE, and TEE did not change in controls (ANOVA P = n.s.). In TB rats, a 19.5%increase in REE occurred (119.4 ± 3.3 to 138.7 ± 1.8 kcal/kg LBM/day, P < 0.01). TEE remained unchanged (157.3 ± 5.6 vs 152.9 ± 3.6 kcal/kg LBM/day, P = n.s.) due to a 66%decrease in AEE (32.9 ± 3.1 to 10.5 ± 1.7 kcal/kg LBM/day, P = 0.01). TEF did not change (4.7 ± 0.8 vs 5.0 ± 0.3 kcal/kg LBM/day, P = n.s.). Both TB and controls demonstrated a decreased REE in response to a 24-hr fast (7.9%vs 4.8%, P = n.s.). Respiratory quotient decreased in both groups when comparing fed to fasted values: TB (0.86 to 0.76) and controls (0.86 to 0.71), but the decline was greater in controls (P = 0.04). Tumor-host interaction results in an increase in REE, but continuous measurements of EE indicate that the effect upon TEE may be offset by a decrease in physical activity. During fasting, a normal adaptive decrement in REE was maintained, but conversion to a fat-burning state was impaired in TB rats compared to controls.

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Long time course adaptation of glucose metabolism to high protein feeding in rats without changes in resting energy expenditure

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