Ultrastructural evidence for selective noradrenergic innervation of CNS vagal projections to the fundus of the rat
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We reported pharmacological data suggesting that stimulation of the vago-vagal reflex activates noradrenergic neurons in the hindbrain that inhibit dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (DMV) neurons projecting to the fundus, but not to the antrum [Ferreira Jr., M., Sahibzada, N., Shi, M., Panico, W., Neidringhaus, M., Wasserman, A., Kellar, K.J., Verbalis, J., Gillis, R.A., 2002. CNS site of action and brainstem circuitry responsible for the intravenous effects of nicotine on gastric tone. J. Neurosci. 22, 2764–2779.]. The purpose of this study was to use an ultrastructural approach to test the hypothesis that noradrenergic terminals form synapses with DMV fundus-projecting neurons, but not with DMV antrum-projecting neurons. A retrograde tracer, CTβ-HRP, was injected into the gastric smooth muscle of either the fundus or the antrum of rats. Animals were re-anesthetized 48 h later and perfusion-fixed with acrolein and paraformaldehyde. Brainstems were processed histochemically for CTβ-HRP, and immunocytochemically for either DβH or PNMT by dual-labeling electron microscopic methods. Most cell bodies and dendrites of neurons that were retrogradely labeled from the stomach occurred at the level of the area postrema. Examination of 482 synapses on 238 neurons that projected to the fundus revealed that 17.4 +/− 2.7%(n = 4) of synaptic contacts were with DβH-IR terminals. Of 165 fundus-projecting neurons, 4.4 +/− 1.5%(n = 4) formed synaptic contacts with PNMT-IR terminals. In contrast, the examination of 384 synapses on 223 antrum-projecting neurons revealed no synaptic contact with DβH-IR terminals. These data provide proof that norepinephrine containing nerve terminals synapse with DMV fundus-projecting neurons but not with DMV antrum-projecting neurons. These data also suggest that brainstem circuitry controlling the fundus differs from circuitry controlling the antrum.

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