CATS, a low pressure multiwire proportionnal chamber for secondary beam tracking at GANIL
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A beam detector system, CATS (Chambre A Trajectoires de Saclay), was designed to provide event-by-event particle tracking in experiments with radioactive beams at GANIL. It consists of two low pressure multiwire proportionnal chambers with one plane of anode wires placed between two cathode planes (active area: 70×70mm2), respectively segmented into 28 vertical or horizontal strips (2.54mm wide). The anode wires deliver a time signal allowing a time of flight measurement with an accuracy between 440ps and 1.2ns, depending on the energy loss of incident particles in the detector. The cathode strips are individually read out and the position of incoming particles is reconstructed using a charge centroid finding algorithm. A spatial resolution of 400μm (700μm) was achieved during in beam experiment, with a counting rate of 1.5×105 (106) particles per second. Publisher: Elsevier Science Language of Publication: English Item Identifier: S0168-9002(99)00380-0 Publication Type: Article ISSN: 0168-9002 Cited by:
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  1. Present address: Institut de Physique Nucléaire, B-1348 Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium.

  2. On leave from Departement of Physics, The University of Ioannina, Greece.

  3. Experiment performed at the GANIL national facility, Caen, France.

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