Focused and diffuse effluxes of CO<sub>2sub> from mud volcanoes and mofettes south of Mt. Etna (Italy)
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Several sites with anomalous emissions of carbon dioxide were investigated in the region south of Mt. Etna volcano in order to assess the types of emission (focused and/or diffuse), their surface extension and the total output of CO<sub>2sub>. Most of the studied emissions are located on the southwest boundary of Mt. Etna, near the town of Paternò. They consist of three mud volcanoes (known as Salinelle), one spring with bubbling gas (Acqua Grassa) and one area of diffuse degassing (Pescher&#xed;a). Another site (Naft&#xed;a Lake) with remarkable gas emissions (bubbling gas into a lake as well as adjacent areas of diffuse soil degassing) is located further southwest of Mt. Etna in an area of extinct Quaternary volcanism on the northwest margin of Hyblean Mts. In all of these areas the origin of the highest CO<sub>2sub> emissions is clearly magmatic, and degassing to the atmosphere occurs mostly through tectonic structures, probably at a regional scale. The magmatic source that feeds anomalous degassing in the above areas is likely to be the same that feeds volcanic activity at Mt. Etna.

Focused degassing was measured at each emission vent using devices that measure the air speed, whereas diffuse soil degassing was measured using the accumulation chamber method. In total, 712 measurements were carried out (146 in focused degassing vents, 566 on diffuse degassing areas). Single CO<sub>2sub> output values ranged from 1.8 10<sup>− 5sup> to 1.68 kg s<sup>− 1sup>. In the case of diffuse degassing areas, statistical analyses allowed to discriminate between biogenic CO<sub>2sub> and CO<sub>2sub> deriving from a magmatic-hydrothermal source. Only the efflux values from the latter source were considered in the output estimates. The total estimated output thus obtained was about 2.61 kg s<sup>− 1sup>, relevant to a total surface of about 146,500 m<sup>2sup> (which includes only the magmatic CO<sub>2sub> emissions). This value is comparable with that of most non-volcanic emissions from geothermal and/or faulted areas of central-southern Italy, as well with the CO<sub>2sub> output from some of the volcanic areas of Italy.

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