ウキクサー根 微生物共生系を利用したフエノ ルの 化促
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  • 作者:池道彦遠山忠熊田浩英清和成藤田正憲
  • 会议时间:2004-10-15
  • 关键词:浮萍 ; 苯酚降解 ; 水生植物 ; 池塘水
  • 作者单位:大阪大学大学院工学研究科環境工学専攻 〒565-0871 大阪府吹田市山田丘2-1
  • 母体文献:2004’中日水环境污染防治与修复学术研讨会论文集
  • 会议名称:2004’中日水环境污染防治与修复学术研讨会
  • 会议地点:北京
  • 主办单位:北京市市政工程设计研究总院
  • 语种:chi
For the confirmation of the accelerated phenol degradation effect and understanding itsmechanisms in the rhizosphere of aquatic plant Spirodela polyrrhiza, phenol degradation tests andmicrobial monitoring were performed using pond water with/without Spirodela or sterilized Spirodela.Phenol degradation was accelerated in pond water with Spirodela and even with sterilized Spirodela incomparison to pond water. During phenol degradation, the number of 16S rDNA, and catechol1,2-dioxygenase (C120) and catechol 2,3-dioxygenase (C230) genes on Spirodela rhizoplane and in pondwater was monitored by MPN-PCR as indicators of total bacteria and phenol degrading bacteria,respectively. It revealed that Spirodela selectively accumulated and supported the growth of bacteriapossessing C120 and C230 genes on the rhizoplane. Thus Spirodela acts as a "stimulator" of phenoldegrading bacteria in its rhizosphere to accelerate phenol degradation in pond water.

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