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  • 英文篇名:Propagation characteristics of mesospheric concentric gravity waves excited by a thunderstorm
  • 作者:温颖 ; 张其林 ; 徐寄遥 ; 李钦增 ; 郜海阳
  • 英文作者:WEN Ying;ZHANG QiLin;XU JiYao;LI QinZeng;GAO HaiYang;Key Laboratory of Meteorological Disaster,Ministry of Education (KLME)/Joint International Research Laboratory of Climate and Environment Change (ILCEC)/Collaborative Innovation Center on Forecast and Evaluation of Meteorological Disaster (CIC-FEMD)/Key Laboratory for Aerosol-Cloud-Precipitation of China Meteorological Administration,Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology;State Key Laboratory of Space Weather,National Space Science Center,Chinese Academy of Sciences;School of Astronomy and Space Science,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
  • 关键词:雷暴系统 ; 重力波 ; 地闪 ; 射线追踪
  • 英文关键词:Thunderstorm;;Gravity wave;;CG flash;;Ray tracing
  • 中文刊名:DQWX
  • 英文刊名:Chinese Journal of Geophysics
  • 机构:南京信息工程大学气象灾害教育部重点实验室/气候与环境变化国际合作联合实验室/气象灾害预报预警与评估协同创新中心/中国气象局气溶胶与云降水重点实验室;中国科学院国家空间科学中心空间天气学重点实验室;中国科学院大学天文与空间科学学院;
  • 出版日期:2019-04-10
  • 出版单位:地球物理学报
  • 年:2019
  • 期:v.62
  • 基金:国家重点研发计划资助项目(2017YFC1501505);; 国家自然科学基金面上项目(41775006,41575004)联合资助
  • 语种:中文;
  • 页:DQWX201904004
  • 页数:12
  • CN:04
  • ISSN:11-2074/P
  • 分类号:32-43
本文使用中国科学院国家空间科学中心——子午工程朔州观测站的全天空气辉成像数据,以及FY-2气象卫星云顶亮温数据(Black Body Temperature,TBB),气象再分析数据和地闪数据,研究了2013年8月10日(LT)发生在内蒙古地区的雷暴活动激发的中高层环状重力波(Concentric Gravity Waves,CGWs)事件.根据最小二乘法的拟合结果和色散关系理论曲线,确定了激发中高层环状重力波的强对流系统,该对流中心位于内蒙古自治区中部(108.9°E,40.47°N),重力波激发于雷暴初期,此时TBB低于220K的深对流面积较小,随着时间的推移,该次雷暴活动越来越强,深对流面积在23∶00达到最大,在23∶30—24∶00LT时闪电频数最高,达到120.7fl/min,随后深对流逐渐消散.在中高层87km处OH(羟基)气辉层观测到的一次CGWs事件的两组波纹,分别沿水平方向传播了149.64km和174.25km,相应位置处的水平波长分别为12.67km和16.75km,周期分别为8.56 min和10.72min,激发时间分别为19∶34LT和19∶40LT;随着水平传播距离的增加,CGWs水平波长增大.
        This work used the all-sky airglow data of the Shuozhou station from Meridian Space Weather Monitoring Project,National Space Science Center,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Black Body Temperature(TBB)data from FY-2 meteorological satellites,CG(cloud-ground)flash data,reanalysis data of NCEP(National Centers for Environmental Prediction)and ECWMF(European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts).We analyzed a concentric gravity waves(CGWs)event observed in the middle and upper atmosphere over North China on 10 August 2013(local time),caused by a thunderstorm in the troposphere.The ray tracing simulationsuggests that the concentric rings observed by all-sky airglow imager in 87 km were motivated by this convective system,of which the convective center was located in the middle of Inner Mongolia autonomous region(108.9°E,40.47°N).At the initial stage,the small area of deep convection with TBB below 220 K excited the CGWs.The stronger convection occurred along with the system development,and deep convection area reached its maximum at 23∶00 LT.During 23∶30 LT to 24∶00 LT,the CG lightning flash frequency reached the maximum 120.7 fl/min,and then deep convection eventually disappeared.At the middle and upper atmosphere,the excitation source was 149.64 km and 174.25 km away from the CGWs ripples in 87 km by all-sky imager,and the horizontal wavelengths were 12.67 km and 16.75 km,periods of waves were 8.56 min and 10.72 min,and the excited times are 19∶34 and 19∶40 LT,respectively.With the increase of horizontal propagation distance,the horizontal wave length of CGWs increased.
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