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  • 英文篇名:Analysis on epidemic of human brucellosis in Jiangxi Province from 2011 to 2017
  • 作者:黄玉萍 ; 宗俊 ; 熊长辉 ; 潘欢弘 ; 胡国良 ; 刘晓青
  • 英文作者:HUANG Yu-ping;ZONG Jun;XIONG Chang-hui;PAN Huan-hong;HU Guo-liang;LIU Xiao-qing;Public Health School of Nanchang University,Jiangxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Preventive Medicine;Institution for Emergency and Disease Prevention,Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Jiangxi Province;
  • 关键词:人间布鲁氏菌病 ; 流行病学分析 ; 监测
  • 英文关键词:Human brucellosis;;Epidemiologic;;Surveillance
  • 中文刊名:JBKZ
  • 英文刊名:Chinese Journal of Disease Control & Prevention
  • 机构:南昌大学公共卫生学院预防医学重点实验室;江西省疾病预防控制中心应急办与传染病防制所;
  • 出版日期:2019-04-10
  • 出版单位:中华疾病控制杂志
  • 年:2019
  • 期:v.23
  • 基金:江西省卫生计生委科技计划项目(20186004)~~
  • 语种:中文;
  • 页:JBKZ201904009
  • 页数:5
  • CN:04
  • ISSN:34-1304/R
  • 分类号:41-45
目的掌握江西省2011-2017年人间布鲁氏菌病疫情特征,为今后的防控工作提供参考依据。方法结合省内监测资料,对江西省2011-2017年在传染病报告信息管理系统中报告的布病病例进行分析。结果 2011-2017年江西省共报告布病239例,年均发病率为0. 08/10万。病例和聚集性疫情集中在南昌市地区(48例/4起)。地市分布由2011年的1个地级市至2016年全覆盖,涉及县(区)数由2011年的1个增长至2017年的68个,扩增趋势明显(x~2趋势=94. 31,P <0. 001)。男女性别比为3. 12∶1(181∶58)。年龄集中在40~65岁年龄组。职业分布以农牧民为主,占59. 83%(143/239)。5~9月为发病高峰(5~6月大高峰和9月小高峰)。2012-2017年共采集血清样本7 160份,阳性率1. 33%(95/7 160)。2013-2017年从193例病例血液中分离出布病菌株62株,羊Ⅰ4株,羊Ⅲ54株,猪Ⅰ4株。结论江西省人间布病疫情呈上升势态,流行范围在不断扩大。有关部门加强监管力度、扩充监测内容可能为今后的布病防控重点。
        Objective To investigate the epidemic characteristics of human brucellosis in Jiangxi province from 2011 to 2017,thereby providing reference for future prevention and control work. Methods We analyzed the case information reported in the National Notifiable Infectious Diseases Reporting Information System of Jiangxi Province during 2011-2017 by combining with the monitoring data. Results A total of 239 cases were recorded over these six years,with an average incidence rate of 0. 08/100000. Most cases and agglomerations were concentrated in the Nanchang area( 48 cases/4 cases),with the case distribution ranging from 1 in 2011 to all in 2016,and the number of counties( districts) involved had increased from 1 in 2011 to 68 in 2017,which increased rapidly year by year( x~2= 94. 31,P <0. 001). The gender ratio was 3. 12 ∶ 1( 181 ∶ 58). Most cases were concentrated in the 40-65 age group,while farmers and herdsmen were high-risk population,accounting for 59. 83 %( 143/239). The incidence of brucellosis peaked from May to September( May peak and September peak). In 2012-2017,7 160 blood samples were collected from risk population,with 95 being positive for Brucella( 1. 33%). From 2013 to 2017,62 strains of the Brucella,4 were Brucella melitensis type1,54 were Brucella melitensis type3 and 4 were Brucella suis were isolated from 193 cases. Conclusions The human brucellosis was aggravated in Jiangxi province,with the expansion of regional scope. Therefore,more efforts should be focused on regulation to prevent and control brucellosis better.
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