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  • 英文篇名:“Fighting Terror” and the Evolution of Israel's Military Ethics
  • 作者:汪舒明
  • 英文作者:WANG Shuming;Institute of International Relations,Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences;
  • 关键词:以色列安全 ; 反恐 ; 阿萨·卡希尔 ; 反恐军事伦理
  • 英文关键词:Israel;;"War on Terror";;Asa Kasher;;military ethics of "fighting terror"
  • 中文刊名:GGXB
  • 英文刊名:Journal of International Security Studies
  • 机构:上海社会科学院国际问题研究所;上海社会科学院国际安全创新团队;
  • 出版日期:2019-05-20
  • 出版单位:国际安全研究
  • 年:2019
  • 期:v.37;No.168
  • 语种:中文;
  • 页:GGXB201903008
  • 页数:28
  • CN:03
  • ISSN:10-1132/D
  • 分类号:140-166+172
        According to international public opinion, Israel's "fighting terror" has become increasingly merciless since the beginning of the 21 st century. However, from Israel's perspective, the practices of "fighting terror" are still largely in line with the traditional ethical code of "purity of arms" advocated by Israel Defense Forces(IDF). Actually, the creation of Israel's combat code and its practices in "fighting terror" walk hand-in-hand and work in a mutually reinforcing way. The practices call for the creation of norms while the "fighting terror" military ethics interpret and guide the practices. The extended definition of "terrorism", the blurred distinction between civilians and combatants, "military necessity", the precedence given to the protection of combatants' lives over the minimization of collateral damage, the alternative way to interpret the "proportionality" of violence, all constitute the features of Israel's military ethics in "fighting terror" as proposed by Asa Kasher and Amos Yadlin. Israel's ‘fighting terror' practices and its military ethics have triggered a heated debate in both the international academic community and the field of international public opinion and thus sparked negative reactions towards Israel. However, the right deviationist trend and religionization in social politics of Israel have rendered them strong internal momentum. Between "nation" and "democracy", Israel's public opinion has shifted the balance in favor of "nation". Influential religious forces holding high the banner of Zionism have massively infiltrated into the IDF, which will exert a far-reaching impact on the evolution of IDF's military ethics of "fighting terror".
(1)相关数据评析,可参见Therese Pettersson and Peter Wallensteen,“Armed Conflicts,1946-2014,”Journal of Peace Research,Vol.52,No.4,2015,pp.536-550。
    (1)在20世纪60~70年代,巴勒斯坦武装组织为影响国际社会对巴以问题的态度,频频制造劫机事件。1968年至1976年间,就劫持了16架次的航班,还33次袭击了包括以色列航空公司办公室在内的民用航空设施。参见Daniel Byman,A High Price:The Triumphs&Failures of Israel Counterterrorism,New York:Oxford University Press,2011,p.40。
    (3)典型案例是1982年以色列国防军为清剿巴解组织大举入侵黎巴嫩并轰炸叙利亚南部贝卡谷地,导致近17 000人死亡,其中包括超过1 000名叙利亚军人和3 000名巴解组织战斗人员,其余大多为平民。参见Daniel Byman,A High Price:The Triumphs&Failures of Israel Counterterrorism,New York:Oxford University Press,2011,p.67。
    (1)Daniel Byman,A High Price:The Triumphs&Failures of Israel Counterterrorism,New York:Oxford University Press,2011,pp.131,142.
    (2)Daniel Byman,A High Price:The Triumphs&Failures of Israel Counterterrorism,New York:Oxford University Press,2011,p.255。根据人权组织“神形”(B’Tselem)的统计,死亡人数为384人。参见https://www.btselem.org/statistics/fatalities/before-cast-lead/by-date-of-event。
    (1)2001年1月,以色列拘押了1 456名巴勒斯坦人,此后急剧上升,到2007年年初达到近9 000人。而且,以色列议会还于2002年通过了《拘押非法战斗人员法》,允许以色列军方在未证实恐怖罪行前,即可对恐怖嫌犯发出拘押令并予以长期拘押。
    (4)Adam Stahl,“The Evolution of Israeli Targeted Operations:Consequences of the Thabet Thabet Operation,”Studies in Conflict&Terrorism,Vol.33,No.2,2010,pp.111-133.
    (5)Daniel Byman,A High Price:The Triumphs&Failures of Israel Counterterrorism,New York:Oxford University Press,2011,pp.311-312.
    (1)Daniel Byman,A High Price:The Triumphs&Failures of Israel Counterterrorism,New York:Oxford University Press,2011,pp.148-150.
    (1)Daniel Byman,A High Price:The Triumphs&Failures of Israel Counterterrorism,New York:Oxford University Press,2011,p.254.
    (2)Daniel Byman,A High Price:The Triumphs&Failures of Israel Counterterrorism,New York:Oxford University Press,2011,p.263.
    (3)Daniel Byman,A High Price:The Triumphs&Failures of Israel Counterterrorism,New York:Oxford University Press,2011,p.338.
    (4)Daniel Byman,A High Price:The Triumphs&Failures of Israel Counterterrorism,New York:Oxford University Press,2011,p.198.
    (5)George E.Bisharat,“Violence’s Law:Israel’s Campaign to Transform International Legal Norms,”Journal of Palestine Studies,Vol.42,No.3,2013,pp.68-84.
    (1)“哈加纳”(Hagana)为以色列建国前主导巴勒斯坦犹太社团的左翼势力所建的自卫武装,建国后成为以色列国防军的主体,并在建国初期收编了犹太社团右翼势力的武装组织。关于“哈加纳”等武装组织的发展和政策演变,可参见Anita Shapira,Land And Power:The Zionist Resort to Force:1881-1948,New York:Oxford University Press,1992。
    (2)Tzvi Hauser,“The Spirit of the IDF,”Azure,No.5757,1997,pp.47-72.
    (1)笔者就卡希尔在以色列反恐军事伦理塑造中的角色和地位与多位来访的以色列学者交流,都得出了这个结论。如希伯来大学的劳·夏利(Ran Shauli)教授认为,卡希尔对以色列军事伦理方面的影响无人可及(2018年11月12日,上海)。
    (3)该文件体现出“后锡安主义”意识形态,避免提及锡安主义和犹太民族主义的内容,致力于捍卫以色列的民主特性。该文件的自由主义倾向导致以色列国防军内部中右翼势力的不满。2001年,在国防军教育部门负责人埃拉泽·斯特恩(Elazar Stern)的领导下,修订了新版本,添加了爱国忠诚、人的尊严等方面内容。参见Stuart A.Cohen and Tamir Libel,“Training Military Personnel to Take Moral Decisions in Situations of Ethical Asymmetry Lessons from the Israeli Experience,”in Jarmo Toiskallio,ed.,Ethical Education in the Military:What,How and Why in the 21st Century?Helsinki,Finland:National Defence College,pp.164-182。
    (1)亚德林对以色列新反恐战伦理的发展也发挥了重要作用。他于2002年升任少将并任以色列军事学院和国防学院院长,2004年8月至2006年出任以色列驻美武官,回国后出任以色列军事情报局局长。2003年,他受命组建并领导了一个由以色列国防军高级指挥官、哲学家(以卡希尔为主)和律师构成的委员会,致力于探究反恐战中的军事伦理问题。2004年夏,他在“耶路撒冷公共事务中心”举办的活动中发表演讲,初步探讨了以色列在反恐战中面临的困境,并阐述了以色列国防军如何在实现反恐军事需要的同时,努力避免伤及无辜平民。该演讲内容以“反恐中的伦理困境”为题,发表在《耶路撒冷问题简报》上,见Jerusalem Issue Brief,Vol.4,No.8,November 25,2004,亦可参见http://www.jcpa.org/brief/brief004-8.htm。
    (2)参见Asa Kasher and Amos Yadlin,“Military Ethics of Fighting Terror:An Israeli Perspective,”Journal of Military Ethics,Vol.4,No.1,2005,pp.3-32;Asa Kasher and Amos Yadlin,“Military Ethics of Fighting Terror:Principles,”Philosophia,Vol.34,No.1,2006,pp.75-84。
    (3)Asa Kasher and Amos Yadlin,“Assassination and Preventive Killing,”SAIS Review of International Affairs,Vol.25,No.1,2005,pp.41-57.
    (4)Amos Harel,“The Philosopher Who Gave the IDF Moral Justification in Gaza,”Haaretz,February 6,2009,https://www.haaretz.com/1.5071578.
    (5)参见Asa Kasher and Amos Yadlin,“Military Ethics of Fighting Terror:An Israeli Perspective,”Journal of Military Ethics,Vol.4,No.1,2005,pp.3-32。
    (1)2016年以色列的《反恐法》也采纳了此种扩大化了的“恐怖主义”和“恐怖行为”定义。以色列著名反恐专家博阿兹·加诺(Boaz Ganor)主张将恐怖主义定义为:“一种故意对平民使用暴力以实现政治目标的暴力斗争方式”。参见Boaz Ganor,The Counter-Terrorism Puzzle:A Guide for Decision Makers,New Brunswick:Transaction Publishers,2008,p.17。
    (1)Asa Kasher and Amos Yadlin,“Military Ethics of Fighting Terror:Principles,”Philosophia,Vol.34,No.1,2006,pp.75-84.
    (2)Asa Kasher,“The Principle of Distinction,”Journal of Military Ethics,Vol.6,No.2,2007,pp.152-167.
    (3)Emily Amrousi,“We Do not Sanctify Ddeath,”June 22,2012,http://www.israelhayom.com/2012/06/22/we-do-not-sanctify-death/.
    (1)Asa Kasher and Amos Yadlin,“Determining Norms for Warfare in New Situations:Between Military and the Laws of War,”Military and Strategic Affairs,Vol.5,No.1,2013,pp.95-117.
    (1)Elie Holzer,“Attitudes Towards the Use of Military Force in Ideological Currents of Religious Zionism,”in Lawrence Schiffman and Joel B.Wolowelsky,eds.,War and Peace in the Jewish Tradition,New York:Yeshiva University Press,2007,pp.341-413.
    (2)Amos Harel,“Israel’s Evolving Military:The IDF Adapts to New Threats,”Foreign Affairs,Vol.95,No.4,2016,pp.43-50.
    (3)Yagil Levy,“Religious Authorities in the Military and Civilian Control:The Case of the Israeli Defense Force,”Politics&Society,Vol.44,No.2,2016,pp.1-28.
    (4)Yagil Levy,“The Israeli Military:Imprisoned by the Religious Community,”Middle East Policy,Vol.18,No.2,2011,pp.67-83.
    (1)Pnina Sharvit Baruch and Zipi Israeli,“Between A‘Jewish and Democratic State’and Issues of National Security,”in Shlomo Brom and Anat Kurz,eds.,Strategic Survey for Israel 2017-2018,Tel Aviv:Institute for National Security Studies,2017,p.119.
    (2)Stuart A.Cohen,“Dilemmas of Military Service in Israel:The Religious Dimension,”in Lawrence Schiffman and Joel B.Wolowelsky,eds.,War and Peace in the Jewish Tradition,New York:Yeshiva University Press,2007,pp.328-329.
    (3)Shaul Kimhi and Asa Kasher,“Moral Dilemmas in Military Situations:Proportionality Principle,Religiosity,Political Attitudes,and Authoritarian Personality,”Military Psychology,Vol.27,No.3,2015,pp.169-184.
    (4)Stuart A.Cohen,“The Quest for a Corpus of Jewish Military Ethics in Modern Israel,”Journal of Israeli History,Vol.26,No.1,2007,pp.35-66.
    (5)Daniel Byman,A High Price:The Triumphs&Failures of Israel Counterterrorism,New York:Oxford University Press,2011,p.288.
    (6)Isreal Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky,Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel,London:Pluto Press,2004,p.71.
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    (2)Matthew Wagner,“Eliyahu advocates carpet bombing Gaza,”The Jerusalem Post,May 30,2007.
    (3)Yagil Levy,“Religious Authorities in the Military and Civilian Control:The Case of the Israeli Defense Force,”Politics&Society,Vol.44,No.2,2016,pp.1-28.
    (1)Asa Kasher,“I Wrote the IDF Code of Ethics.Here’s My Take on the Hebron Shooting,”Forward,April 6,2016,https://forward.com/opinion/337841/i-wrote-the-idf-code-of-ethics-heres-mytake-on-the-hebron-shooting/.
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