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  • 英文篇名:Analysis on SSR Information in Transcriptome and Development of Molecular Markers in Cucurbita moschata Duch
  • 作者:朱海生 ; 王彬 ; 叶新如 ; 刘建汀 ; 李永平 ; 陈敏氡 ; 林珲 ; 温庆放
  • 英文作者:Zhu Haisheng;WangBin;Ye Xinru;Liu Jianting;Li Yongping;Chen Mindong;Lin Hui;Wen Qingfang;Crops Research Institute, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Vegetable Research Center, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Fujian Engineering Research Center for Vegetables;
  • 关键词:中国南瓜 ; 转录组 ; SSR ; 多态性
  • 英文关键词:Cucurbita moschata Duch;;transcriptome;;simple sequence repeat;;polymorphism
  • 中文刊名:XBZZ
  • 英文刊名:Chinese Journal of Cell Biology
  • 机构:福建省农业科学院作物研究所福建省农业科学院蔬菜研究中心福建省蔬菜工程技术研究中心;
  • 出版日期:2019-04-01 11:26
  • 出版单位:中国细胞生物学学报
  • 年:2019
  • 期:v.41
  • 基金:福建省属公益类科研院所基本科研专项(批准号:2018R1026-5);; 中央引导地方科技发展专项(批准号:2018L3005);; 福建省农业科学院“青年科技英才百人计划”(批准号:YC2017-5);福建省农业科学院蔬菜科技创新团队(批准号:STIT2017-1-2);; 国家大宗蔬菜产业技术体系福州综合试验站(批准号:CARS-23-G-53)资助的课题~~
  • 语种:中文;
  • 页:XBZZ201903021
  • 页数:8
  • CN:03
  • ISSN:31-2035/Q
  • 分类号:154-161
该文对中国南瓜(Cucurbita moschata Duch)开展转录组测序分析,共获得61 882条Unigene,利用MISA软件搜索1 Kb以上的12 526条Unigene,共检测出5 407个SSR位点,分布于4 348条Unigene中,出现频率为43.17%,平均分布距离为4.76 Kb。优势重复基序为单核苷酸、二核苷酸和三核苷酸,分别占总SSR的47.92%、24.45%和19.66%。二核苷酸重复基序中以GA/TC为优势重复基序,三核苷酸重复基序以GAA/TTC为主。利用Primer 3.0共设计出6 489对SSR引物。从92对有效扩增引物中随机选择30对引物,对30个中国南瓜种质进行多态性验证分析,其中18对(占60%)引物表现稳定可重复的多态性。利用UPGMA作图,可将30份供试材料分为2类。利用中国南瓜转录组数据进行SSR标记开发能获得较高频率的SSR位点,且类型丰富,为中国南瓜遗传多样性分析和遗传图谱构建提供更丰富可靠的标记选择。
        In this study, 61 882 unigenes were obtained by transcriptome sequencing analysis from Cucurbita moschata Duch. 12 526 unigenes above 1 Kb pairs were found by MISA software, and a total of 5 407 SSR locis were identified that were distributed in 4 348 unigenes. The frequency of these SSR locis was 43.17%, and the mean distribution distance of loci was 4.76 Kb. Mean while, the major repeat motifs were mononucleotide, dinucleotide and trinucleotide, which accounted for 47.92%, 24.45% and 19.66%, respectively. Furthermore, the GA/TC were the predominant dinucleotide repeat motifs, and the GAA/TTC were the predominant trinucleotide repeat motifs.6 489 pairs of SSR primers were designed by Primer 3.0, then 30 pairs of primers were randomly selected from92 pairs of effective amplification primers for the polymorphism analysis of 30 Cucurbita moschata germplasms,and 18 out of 30 SSR primers showed stable and reproducible polymorphism. According to the UPGMA mapping results, 30 Cucurbita moschata samples were divided into 2 categories. Using transcriptome data of Cucurbita moschata to develop SSR markers can obtain higher frequencies of SSR locis and the types of them were rich. It provides more abundant and reliable marker selection for genetic diversity analysis and genetic map construction of Cucurbita moschata.
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