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  • 英文篇名:Big Data Challenges for Species Distribution Models in Predicting Potential Distribution of Marine Species
  • 作者:解鹏飞 ; 顾炎斌 ; 隋伟娜 ; 陶冠峰 ; 孙淑艳
  • 英文作者:XIE Peng-fei;GU Yan-bin;SUI Wei-na;TAO Guan-feng;SUN Shu-Yan;National Marine Environment Monitoring Center;
  • 关键词:物种分布模型 ; 大数据 ; 大数据集成 ; 大数据平台
  • 英文关键词:species distribution models;;big data;;big data integration;;big data platform
  • 中文刊名:HTXX
  • 英文刊名:Marine Information
  • 机构:国家海洋环境监测中心;
  • 出版日期:2019-02-15
  • 出版单位:海洋信息
  • 年:2019
  • 期:v.34;No.239
  • 基金:国家海洋局近岸海域生态环境重点实验室基金:基于大数据技术的海洋生物物种分布模型的研究及应用(201809)
  • 语种:中文;
  • 页:HTXX201901009
  • 页数:11
  • CN:01
  • ISSN:12-1103/P
  • 分类号:54-64
利用物种分布模型(species distribution models or modeling,SDM)估计物种的真实和潜在分布区,已成为海洋保护区规划、外来、物种入侵预测、气候变迁或环境改变对物种分布影响等领域的研究热点。此外,在大数据技术迅速发展的背景下,国外已出现多个面向物种分布模型的大数据集以及应用大数据技术进行物种分布模型研究的案例,而我国,海洋方面应用大数据的物种分布模型的研究却寥寥无几。文章首先就物种分布模型、物种分布模型分类以及其研究现状做了较为详细的叙述,讨论了物种分布模型的大数据需求及所需数据类型,主要从大数据价值链的角度讨论了海洋领域物种分布模型与大数据的关系,具体从物种分布数据和环境数据的收集与大数据、物种数据和环境数据的集成与大数据、物种分布模型的预测分析与大数据3个方面展开。文章就物种分布模型所面临的大数据问题,从加强海洋生物多样性大数据平台和生态系统观测网络的建设以及鼓励海洋领域的物种分布模型应用研究项目的开展两方面给出作者的建议,对未来物种分布模型在我国海洋领域的研究和应用的前景作了展望。
        Using Species Distribution Models(SDMs) to predict the real and potential distribution of species has become the hotspot research in ocean researches, especially in areas of marine protected area planning, invasive species prediction and climate changes or environmental changes influencing species distribution, etc. In addition, under the background of the rapid development of big data technology, there have been several SDMs oriented big data sets and research cases of SDM applying big data technology abroad. However, at home, there are few studies on species distribution models applying big data in the ocean. For this reason, this paper first described in detail the species distribution model, species distribution model classification and its research status. Then, requirements on big data and data types of species distribution model were further discussed. And the relationship between species distribution model and big data in the marine field was discussed from the perspective of big data value chain,including three specific aspects: 1) species distribution data and environmental data collection and big data; 2) integration of species data and environmental data and big data; 3) prediction and analysis of species distribution model and big data. Suggestions were given to solve the problems on big data faced by the SDMs: strengthening the construction of marine biodiversity big data platform and ecosystem observation network, and encouraging the development and application of species distribution models. Finally, the prospects of future research and application of SDMs in predicting marine species in China was proposed.
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