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  • 作者:曾颢 ; 赵李晶
  • 关键词:服务型领导 ; 主动变革行为 ; 工作繁荣 ; 心理安全氛围
  • 英文关键词:servant leadership;;taking change behavior;;thriving at work;;psychological safety climate
  • 中文刊名:QUIT
  • 英文刊名:Enterprise Economy
  • 机构:江西科技师范大学经济管理学院;南京大学商学院;
  • 出版日期:2019-03-25
  • 出版单位:企业经济
  • 年:2019
  • 期:v.38;No.463
  • 基金:国家自然科学基金地区项目“企业师徒制对新员工适应性绩效的影响机制研究——基于资源保存理论视角”(项目编号:71862019);; 江西省高校人文社会科学研究项目“企业导师制对新生代员工工作-家庭平衡的影响机制研究——心理脱离与工作繁荣的双中介效应”(项目编号:GL18241);; 江西省教育科学规划项目“人力资本变化背景下赣江新区职业教育发展机制动力研究”(项目编号:17YB137)
  • 语种:中文;
  • 页:QUIT201903014
  • 页数:7
  • CN:03
  • ISSN:36-1004/F
  • 分类号:107-113
        In the context of dynamic environment, the act of active change has increasingly become a hot spot of human resource management. Based on the integrative model of human growth at work, this research discusses the influence mechanism and boundary conditions of service-oriented leadership on employee's active change behavior. Using 262 valid data, we found that servant leadership had a positive effect on employee's taking change behavior. Thriving at work played a partial mediating role between servant leadership and taking change behavior. Besides, psychological safety climate moderated the relationship between thriving at work and taking change behavior. In other words, the higher the psychological safety climate, the stronger positive relationship between thriving at work and taking charge behavior. The management suggestions include: establishing an incentive mechanism for servicing subordinates and striving to create a corporate atmosphere; taking measures to stimulate thriving from both learning and vitality; and establishing a fault-tolerant mechanism and focusing on the construction of employees' psychological safety.
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