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  • 英文篇名:Coseismic displacement field and slip model derived from near-source strong motion records of M_W7.0 Kumamoto,Japan,earthquake
  • 作者:金明培 ; 黎朕灵 ; 汪荣江
  • 英文作者:Jin Mingpei;Li Zhenling;Wang Rongjiang;Western Yunnan Earthquake Prediction Study Area,China Earthquake Administration;College of Resources,Environments and Geosciences,Yunnan University;GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences;
  • 关键词:内陆走滑型地震 ; 自动经验基线校正 ; 同震位移 ; 滑动模型 ; 2016年4月16日熊本MW7.0地震
  • 英文关键词:inland strike-slip earthquake;;automatically empirical baseline correction;;coseismic displacement;;slip model;;16 April 2016 MW7.0 Kumamoto,Japan,earthquake
  • 中文刊名:DZXB
  • 英文刊名:Acta Seismologica Sinica
  • 机构:中国地震局滇西地震预报实验场;云南大学资源环境与地球科学学院;德国地球科学研究中心;
  • 出版日期:2017-11-15
  • 出版单位:地震学报
  • 年:2017
  • 期:v.39
  • 基金:云南省地震局科技专项(KJZX02);; 云南省陈颙院士工作站(20141C007)联合资助
  • 语种:中文;
  • 页:DZXB201706001
  • 页数:12
  • CN:06
  • ISSN:11-2021/P
  • 分类号:3-14
利用2016年4月16日日本熊本M W7.0地震震中周围94个近场强震动台的观测资料和新近改进的强震经验基线校正方法SMBLOC,尝试解算并绘制了一个内陆M7左右走滑型地震的同震位移场全貌,并反演了其震源滑动模型.与日本国土地理院(GSI)公布的该地震57个GPS同震位移结果的比较显示,两种完全不同资料、不同解算方法给出的水平同震位移场的最大幅值均为100cm左右,均呈右旋走滑为主兼具部分正断分量的震源机制.强震最大水平和垂直永久位移分别为104.5cm和58.0cm,分别出现在震中东北侧的KMMH162台和KMM005台.两种资料单独以及联合反演的震源滑动模型均表明,此次地震为北东侧破裂为主并呈双事件特征,且主要滑动均不在初始破裂点附近,而是集中于第二次事件周围,即距离初始破裂点东北侧约20km处的走向长约40km、倾向宽约20km的范围内.基于强震和GPS模型所得的最大滑动量分别为5.10m和5.87m,量级一致,反演矩震级均为MW7.1左右;主破裂区近地表滑动量比野外调查结果略微偏大,可能与数值效应有关.此外,还利用不同方法得到的解算结果比较了熊本地震特有的12组台间距在3km以内的GPS-强震台站对各自的三分量同震位移,其结果表明对于M7左右的地震而言,SMBLOC方法解算同震位移时方向和幅值的可靠性下限约为2cm.
        Near-source coseismic displacement field of the 16 April 2016 MW7.0 Kumamoto,Japan,earthquake is estimated from 94 digital strong motion records after correction for their baseline errors using an improved empirical method SMBLOG,and compared with that from 57 GPS observations published by Geospatial Information Authority of Japan(GSI).Furthermore,three slip models of the earthquake are inverted from the displacement data of the GPS,strong motion and their combination,suggesting the results are in good agreement.The three models all show that the earthquake is dominated by the rightlateral strike-slip mechanism(also a few normal-fault dislocations).The maximum horizontal and vertical coseismic displacements reached 104.5 cm and58.0 cm,and occurred at the stations KMMH162 and KMM005,respectively.The fault slips are mainly distributed around the second event(about 20 km northeastward from epicenter)and in an area of about 40 km along the strike and 20 km along the dip.The moment magnitude is estimated to be M W7.1,and the peak slip is about 5.10 mfor strong motion data and 5.87 mfor GPS.The surface rupture should be obvious.Moreover,the comparison of the threecomponent coseismic displacements derived from 12 GPS-strong motion stationpairs with interval less than 3 km also indicates that the lower limit is about2 cm for earthquakes of magnitude about 7 when SMBLOC method is used.
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