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  • 英文篇名:A review of fully coupled atmosphere-hydrology simulations
  • 作者:宁理科 ; 占车生 ; 罗勇 ; 王月玲 ; 刘梁美子
  • 英文作者:NING Like;ZHAN Chesheng;LUO Yong;WANG Yueling;LIU Liangmeizi;Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Earth System Modeling, Department of Earth System Science,Tsinghua University;Joint Center for Global Change Studies;Key Laboratory of Water Cycle and Related Land Surface Processes, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
  • 英文关键词:land surface hydrology;;regional climate model;;fully coupled atmosphere-hydrology simulation;;water cycle;;research review
  • 中文刊名:ZGDE
  • 英文刊名:地理学报(英文版)
  • 机构:Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Earth System Modeling, Department of Earth System Science,Tsinghua University;Joint Center for Global Change Studies;Key Laboratory of Water Cycle and Related Land Surface Processes, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
  • 出版日期:2019-01-31
  • 出版单位:Journal of Geographical Sciences
  • 年:2019
  • 期:v.29
  • 基金:National Key R&D Program of China,No.2017YFA0603702;; National Natural Science Foundation of China,No.41571019,No.41701023,No.41571028;; China Postdoctoral Science Foundation,No.2017M610867
  • 语种:英文;
  • 页:ZGDE201903011
  • 页数:15
  • CN:03
  • ISSN:11-4546/P
  • 分类号:147-161
The terrestrial hydrological process is an essential but weak link in global/regional climate models. In this paper, the development status, research hotspots and trends in coupled atmosphere-hydrology simulations are identified through a bibliometric analysis, and the challenges and opportunities in this field are reviewed and summarized. Most climate models adopt the one-dimensional (vertical) land surface parameterization, which does not include a detailed description of basin-scale hydrological processes, particularly the effects of human activities on the underlying surfaces. To understand the interaction mechanism between hydrological processes and climate change, a large number of studies focused on the climate feedback effects of hydrological processes at different spatio-temporal scales, mainly through the coupling of hydrological and climate models. The improvement of the parameterization of hydrological process and the development of large-scale hydrological model in land surface process model lay a foundation for terrestrial hydrological-climate coupling simulation, based on which, the study of terrestrial hydrological-climate coupling is evolving from the traditional unidirectional coupling research to the two-way coupling study of "climate-hydrology" feedback. However, studies of fully coupled atmosphere-hydrology simulations (also called atmosphere-hydrology two-way coupling) are far from mature. The main challenges associated with these studies are: improving the potential mismatch in hydrological models and climate models; improving the stability of coupled systems; developing an effective scale conversion scheme; perfecting the parameterization scheme; evaluating parameter uncertainties; developing effective methodology for model parameter transplanting; and improving the applicability of models and high/super-resolution simulation. Solving these problems and improving simulation accuracy are directions for future hydro-climate coupling simulation research.
        The terrestrial hydrological process is an essential but weak link in global/regional climate models. In this paper, the development status, research hotspots and trends in coupled atmosphere-hydrology simulations are identified through a bibliometric analysis, and the challenges and opportunities in this field are reviewed and summarized. Most climate models adopt the one-dimensional (vertical) land surface parameterization, which does not include a detailed description of basin-scale hydrological processes, particularly the effects of human activities on the underlying surfaces. To understand the interaction mechanism between hydrological processes and climate change, a large number of studies focused on the climate feedback effects of hydrological processes at different spatio-temporal scales, mainly through the coupling of hydrological and climate models. The improvement of the parameterization of hydrological process and the development of large-scale hydrological model in land surface process model lay a foundation for terrestrial hydrological-climate coupling simulation, based on which, the study of terrestrial hydrological-climate coupling is evolving from the traditional unidirectional coupling research to the two-way coupling study of "climate-hydrology" feedback. However, studies of fully coupled atmosphere-hydrology simulations (also called atmosphere-hydrology two-way coupling) are far from mature. The main challenges associated with these studies are: improving the potential mismatch in hydrological models and climate models; improving the stability of coupled systems; developing an effective scale conversion scheme; perfecting the parameterization scheme; evaluating parameter uncertainties; developing effective methodology for model parameter transplanting; and improving the applicability of models and high/super-resolution simulation. Solving these problems and improving simulation accuracy are directions for future hydro-climate coupling simulation research.
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