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  • 英文篇名:Effects of different rotational grazing patterns on plant community characteristics in desert steppe grassland
  • 作者:王晓芳 ; 马红彬 ; 沈艳 ; 许冬梅 ; 谢应忠 ; 李建平 ; 李小伟
  • 英文作者:WANG Xiao-fang;MA Hong-bin;SHEN Yan;XU Dong-mei;XIE Ying-zhong;LI Jian-ping;LI Xiao-wei;Agricultural College, Ningxia University;State Key Laboratory Breeding Base of Land Degradation and Ecological Restoration of North-western China;
  • 关键词:划区轮牧 ; 植物群落 ; 物种多样性 ; 凋落物 ; 荒漠草原
  • 英文关键词:rotational grazing;;plant community;;species diversity;;litters;;desert steppe
  • 中文刊名:CYXB
  • 英文刊名:Acta Prataculturae Sinica
  • 机构:宁夏大学农学院;宁夏大学西北土地退化与生态恢复省部共建国家重点实验室培育基地;
  • 出版日期:2019-04-20
  • 出版单位:草业学报
  • 年:2019
  • 期:v.28;No.165
  • 基金:国家重点研发计划课题(2016YFC0500505);; 中国科学院“西部之光”人才培养引进计划项目(XAB2015A10);; 宁夏高等学校一流学科建设(草学学科)项目(NXYLXK2017A01)资助
  • 语种:中文;
  • 页:CYXB201904003
  • 页数:11
  • CN:04
  • ISSN:62-1105/S
  • 分类号:25-35
        Studying the effects of different grazing regimes on grassland vegetation characteristics can provide a scientific basis for optimizing grassland grazing practice. In the desert steppe of Ningxia, grazing exclusion was used as a control(CK), and was compared with continuous grazing(CG), two-paddock rotational grazing(TG), four-paddock rotational grazing(FG), and six-paddock rotational grazing(SG) at a sheep stocking rate of 0.75 head·ha~(-1) during the growing season. Measurements made included vegetation composition, community cover, biomass, net primary productivity, species diversity, and biological stability of the community. The results showed that: 1) Rotational grazing decreased the importance value of the preferred forage species in the desert steppe plant community, but increased the number of plant species. Increasing the number of paddocks in the grazing rotation helped to maintain the importance values of preferred forage species and perennial herbs, but had little impact on the semi-shrubs. 2) The vegetation cover was, as expected, higher in the CK treatment and was also elevated in the FG treatment. The above-ground biomass and net primary productivity were higher in the FG and SG rotational grazing plots, and the underground biomass was higher in CK and SG treatments. The amount of grassland litter under rotational grazing was higher than that in the CK treatment. 3) Rotational grazing increased species richness, diversity and dominance index, while decreasing the community evenness index. 4) Under all treatments, the plant community was unstable. However, the CK plots displayed the highest stability, and CG had the lowest stability. Based on all the vegetation data collected and ease of operation of the grazing system, it is considered that the FG rotational grazing system is an appropriate grazing regime for the study area.
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