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  • 英文篇名:Effects of temperatures on the predation of Chrysoperla sinica (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) on Sitobion avenae (Hemiptera: Aphididae)
  • 作者:许乐园 ; 刘韶业 ; 于金凤 ; 许永玉 ; 陈珍珍
  • 英文作者:XU Le-Yuan;LIU Shao-Ye;YU Jin-Feng;XU Yong-Yu;CHEN Zhen-Zhen;College of Plant Protection, Shandong Agricultural University;
  • 关键词:中华通草蛉 ; 温度 ; 麦长管蚜 ; 捕食率 ; 年龄-龄期 ; 两性生命表
  • 英文关键词:Chrysoperla sinica;;temperature;;Sitobion avenae;;predation rate;;age-stage;;two sex life table
  • 中文刊名:KCTD
  • 英文刊名:Journal of Environmental Entomology
  • 机构:山东农业大学植物保护学院;
  • 出版日期:2019-05-25
  • 出版单位:环境昆虫学报
  • 年:2019
  • 期:v.41
  • 基金:鲁东冬小麦化肥农药减施技术集成研究与示范(2017YFD0201705);; 科技部国家重点研发计划试点专项(2017YFD0201000);; 农作物病虫害绿色防控(SYL2017XTTD11)
  • 语种:中文;
  • 页:KCTD201903022
  • 页数:7
  • CN:03
  • ISSN:44-1640/Q
  • 分类号:174-180
为明确温度对中华通草蛉Chrysoperla sinica捕食麦蚜能力的影响,充分发挥其控害潜能,本研究利用年龄-龄期两性生命表方法,研究了5个温度下(16℃、19℃、22℃、25℃、28℃)中华通草蛉幼虫对麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae的捕食能力。结果发现,1龄幼虫在19℃条件下捕食量最高,16℃条件下捕食量最低,且差异显著。2龄幼虫不同温度处理间捕食量均无显著性差异,3龄幼虫捕食麦长管蚜数量则随处理温度的提高而显著降低,而幼虫期总捕食量除28℃在不同温度间均无显著性差异。2龄幼虫平均捕食率高于1龄幼虫,但显著低于3龄幼虫。年龄-龄期捕食率结果说明,温度升高缩短了幼虫发育时间,但提高了其捕食能力;虽然不同温度处理总捕食量不变,但高温缩短了幼虫捕食所消耗的时间。22℃条件下中华通草蛉雌成虫期长(96.63 d),产卵期长(55.36 d),繁殖力强(310.36),平均世代周期(T)短(48.99 d),容易产生世代重叠现象;内禀增长率(r)和周限增长率(λ)显示中华通草蛉种群呈正增长趋势。研究结果对于春季田间释放中华通草蛉防治麦长管蚜具有一定参考价值。
        To determine the predation capacity of Chrysoperla sinica on Sitobion avenae at different temperatures, the age-stage two sex life table method was used to analyze the predation of C.sinica on S.avenae under different temperatures(16℃, 19℃, 22℃, 25℃ and 28℃). There had significantly differences on the numbers of S.avenae preyed by 1~(st) instar larvae under different temperatures, but no significantly differences on the numbers of S.avenae preyed by 2~(nd) instar larvae. The number of 3~(rd) instar larvae preyed on wheat aphid increased significantly with the increase of treatment temperature. The larvae total predation rate of C.sinica on S.avenae had no significant difference under different temperature treatments besides 28℃. The average predation rate in 2~(nd) instar stage was higher than that in 1~(st) instar, and significantly less than that of 3~(rd) instar larvae. The results of the age-stage predation rate showed that the temperature increase shortened the larval development time, but increased its predation ability; although the number of aphid consumed at different temperatures had no significantly difference, the time consumed by the larvae was shortened by the high temperature. Under 22℃, C.sinica had a long female adult longevity(96.63 d), a long spawning duration(55.36 d), a big fecundity ability(310.36 offsprings), and a short mean generation time(T)(48.99 d), all of the parameters showed that the lacewing could be easy to form overlapping generations. The intrinsic rate of increase(r) and the finite rate of increase(λ) showed positive growth trend of C.sinica population. The average predation rate in 2~(nd) instar stage was higher than that in 1~(st) instar, and significantly less than that of 3~(rd) instar larvae. These findings show important reference value to release C.sinica as biological control strategy on S.avenae in spring.
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