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  • 英文篇名:Genetic diversity and genetic differentiation of Squaliobarbus curriculus from the Pearl River based on mitochondrial D-loop sequences
  • 作者:李潮 ; 蓝昭军 ; 赵俊
  • 英文作者:LI Chao;LAN Zhaojun;ZHAO Jun;Guangzhou Key Laborator y of Subtropical Biodiversit y and Biomonitoring,Guangdong Provincial Key Laborator y for Healthy and Safe Aquaculture,Guangdong Provincial Engineering Technology Research Center for Environmentally-friendly Aquaculture,School of Life Science,South China Normal University;Shaoguan Fishery Technical Extension Center,Shaoguan Fisheries Research Institute;
  • 关键词:珠江流域 ; 赤眼鳟 ; D-loop序列 ; 遗传多样性 ; 遗传分化
  • 英文关键词:Pearl River;;Squaliobarbus curriculus;;D-loop sequences;;genetic diversity;;genetic differentiation
  • 中文刊名:YYHS
  • 英文刊名:Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology
  • 机构:广州市亚热带生物多样性与环境生物监测重点实验室广东省水产健康安全养殖重点实验室广东省水产优质环保养殖工程技术研究中心华南师范大学生命科学学院;韶关市渔业技术推广站韶关市水产研究所;
  • 出版日期:2018-06-25
  • 出版单位:应用与环境生物学报
  • 年:2018
  • 期:v.24;No.133
  • 基金:公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201303048);; 国家自然科学基金项目(31372178);; 国家科技基础平台项目(2005DKA21402)资助~~
  • 语种:中文;
  • 页:YYHS201803027
  • 页数:8
  • CN:03
  • ISSN:51-1482/Q
  • 分类号:193-200
为了解珠江流域重要野生经济鱼类赤眼鳟的遗传多样性和遗传分化现状,对柳江、西江、北江、郁江、南盘江和红水河6个自然种群共170尾个体的线粒体控制区(D-loop)序列进行测定与分析.结果显示,共获得长978 bp的序列,检测出106个单倍型,单倍型多样性平均为0.982 0,核苷酸多样性平均为0.013 53,表明珠江流域赤眼鳟具有较高的遗传多样性.遗传距离和遗传分化结果均显示珠江流域赤眼鳟未出现明显分化,各种群亲缘关系较近.基于D-loop序列构建的NJ树显示,106个单倍型分为两大支系(A支和B支).A支包含6个种群中的大部分单倍型,未形成明显单系群;B支由西江种群的两个特有单倍型组成.单倍型网络亲缘关系分析结果也表明其未出现明显分化.AMOVA分析结果表明,绝大部分变异出现在种群内(99.36%),而地理区间和地理区内种群间的变异很小.中性检验显示,珠江流域赤眼鳟历史上曾发生过种群扩张.综合上述研究结果,认为西江为珠江流域赤眼鳟的扩散中心.
        Squaliobarbus curriculus is one of the most economically important edible freshwater fish in the Pearl River. To assess the level of genetic diversity and genetic variation of S. curriculus populations within the Pearl River, samples were collected from six geographical populations from six drainages. 978 base pairs of the D-loop sequence were obtained as a molecular marker. 106 haplotypes were defined among 170 S. curriculus individuals. Populations of S. curriculus in the Pearl River displayed a high haplotypic diversity index(h = 0.9820) and high nucleotide diversity index(π = 0.01353). The results of genetic distance and genetic differentiation index show that genetic differentiation among S. curriculus populations is not significant. The neighbor-joining tree shows two clades. Clade A is composed of most haplotypes of S. curriculus. Clade B includes two private haplotypes from the Xijiang River. Haplotype network analysis is consistent with the results of genetic distance and genetic differentiation. The results of AMOVA analysis showed that most variation was found within populations(99.36%). Neutral test analysis explained that there was population expansion in the history of S. curriculus in the Pearl River.Xijiang River could be the center of origin, as supported by all the results.
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