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  • 英文篇名:Effect of different densities and mixed community structures on seed yield and quality of Vicia sativa in Vicia sativa-Avena sativa mixtures
  • 作者:关正翾 ; 娜尔克孜 ; 朱亚琼 ; 郑伟 ; 刘岳含 ; 艾丽菲热
  • 英文作者:GUAN Zhengxuan;Naerkezi;ZHU Yaqiong;ZHENG Wei;LIU Yuehan;Ailifeire;College of Pratacultural and Environmental Science, Xinjiang Agricultural University;Xinjiang Key Laboratory of Grassland Resources and Ecology;
  • 关键词:播量 ; 同行混播 ; 异行混播 ; 混播比例 ; 分枝数 ; 结荚数 ; 种间竞争
  • 英文关键词:sowing rate;;mixed cropping;;intercropping;;mixed ratios;;shoots per plant;;pods per plant;;interspecific competition
  • 中文刊名:CYKX
  • 英文刊名:Pratacultural Science
  • 机构:新疆农业大学草业与环境科学学院;新疆维吾尔自治区草地资源与生态重点实验室;
  • 出版日期:2019-02-15
  • 出版单位:草业科学
  • 年:2019
  • 期:v.36;No.307
  • 基金:农业部“国家牧草现代产业技术体系”项目(CARS-34);; 国家自然科学基金(31660692);; 新疆农业大学–乌尔禾区合作项目(KLMYWEH-2017-06);; 国家重点研发计划“政府间国际科技创新合作”重点专项(2017YFE0109200)
  • 语种:中文;
  • 页:CYKX201902020
  • 页数:10
  • CN:02
  • ISSN:62-1069/S
  • 分类号:191-200
本研究综合分析了群体密度和混播群落结构对箭筈豌豆(Vicia sativa)的种子产量、质量和种子产量构成等性状的影响。将播量作为群体密度控制因素,将混播方式(同行混播、异行混播)和混播比例作为群落结构的控制因素。结果表明:1)随着播量的增加,种子产量呈增加趋势,各混播处理种子产量均小于单播处理,但发芽势有所提升;随着箭筈豌豆混播比例的增加,种子产量和种子发芽势均呈增加趋势,混播方式(同行、异行混播)对种子产量和质量的影响较小。2)群体密度和群落结构主要通过影响箭筈豌豆分枝数和结荚数来影响其种子产量;而荚长、每荚籽粒数、发芽率等生物学性状变化较小。3)燕麦(Avena sativa)在混播系统中处于强竞争者的地位,提高箭筈豌豆混播比例和采用异行混播有利于增加其竞争率,也有利于提高种子产量。因此,在冷凉地区进行箭筈豌豆种子生产,其播量应高于120 kg·hm–2为宜;为了提高箭筈豌豆种子产量和质量,防止倒伏,可采用箭筈豌豆混播比例高于75%+异行混播方式进行种子田建设。
        This study investigated the effects of population density and community structure on seed production of Vicia sativa in a cool climate region. We analysed and compared the seed yield, seed quality, seed yield components, and other biological characteristics of different sowing rates, sowing ratios, and patterns(mixed cropping and intercropping with Avena sativa). Results show that seed yield increased with increasing sowing rates. The seed yields of mixed cropping and intercropping were less than that of monoculture, but seed quality(germination potential) was better. Seed yield and quality increased with increasing V. sativa sowing ratios. The mixed patterns affected seed yield and quality. Population density and community structure influenced shoots per plant(Sh/P), pods per plant(Po/P), and, in some cases, pod length, seeds per pod,and germination rate. In the mixed cropping and intercropping systems, A. sativa was a stronger competitor than V. sativa. To increase V. sativa seed yield and seed quality, the competition ratio of V. sativa in mixed communities needs to be improved by increasing the mixed ratios of V. sativa and using an intercropping pattern. In conclusion, V. sativa seed fields need higher sowing quantities(equal or more than 120 kg·ha–1), 75% V. sativa seeding rate + intercropping pattern, and higher mixed ratios in cool climate pastoral areas.
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