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当前,我国大气环境形势十分严峻,大范围雾霾天气频发,以细颗粒物(PM2.5)为特征的大气污染日益凸显,对人体健康和环境质量造成了巨大危害.由于PM2.5的微纳尺度性以及来源的复杂性,其控制将是一个长的过程.在诸多气体净化技术中,基于扩散、惯性撞击、直接拦截等机理进行微粒子捕捉的膜过滤技术有着显著的优点,去除效率超过了HEPA滤网标准,被认为是空气净化最有前景的技术之一.针对超细粉尘的捕捉,我们设计了高效粉尘捕捉多层次结构膜,在ePTFE基膜的纳米纤维上,生长了直径在20~100 nm之间的纳米氧化锌棒,形成捕捉粉尘的多层次纳米结构.分离实验表明该膜对0.3μm氧化硅粉的截留率超过了99.99%,超过了原膜的96.12%,同时过滤1 h的压降比原膜降低了40%左右.初步分析是纳米棒的引入,提高了扩散与惯性撞击概率,同时有效增加了与粉尘的接触面积,减少了颗粒在膜孔道内的堵塞聚集,所以随着过滤进行,压差增加不明显.烟气过滤中通常含有焦油成分,会吸附于膜表面形成膜污染,显著增加膜过滤压降.将疏水性ePTFE膜进行表面改性,可以实现双疏功能(水接触角大于150°,油接触角大于125°).该膜对含油性气溶胶烟气处理可以保持较低的稳定的过滤压降,同时具有99.5%以上的油气溶胶截留率.针对高温烟气的处理,我们进行了高孔隙率抗热震气体净化膜的开发,将无机纤维引入到碳化硅陶瓷膜的制备中,孔隙率在44%以上,最高可到50%以上,抗折强度与气体渗透速率得到大幅提升,分别是原膜的3倍与1.7倍,同时具有良好的热震稳定性.另外通过功能活性组分的引入,使膜材料具有了抗菌与VOCs催化分解等功能.目前我们已经将膜技术成功用于燃煤发电、生物质锅炉、高温烧结窑炉、染料回收、食品生产等过程的烟气净化与气固分离过程,建立了二十余项示范工程.
Air quality issues in China become more and more serious.Fog and haze weather happened in wide regional.Significantly,Particulate Matter(PM)2.5 is one of the most hazard composition for humans and environment.Further,it will be a long way to efficiently control PM 2.5 since its complex micro-nanostructure,widely generated ways.Membrane filtration techniques based on diffusion,inertia collision and direct interception mechanisms have aconspicuous advantage to capture microparticles.The PM removal efficiency of membrane filter is higher than that of HEPA filter.This PM 2.5 control method,which based on membrane,has been regarded as the most promising technique.To capture ultra-fine particles,we have designed a hierarchical structure filter with high dust removal efficiency.ZnO nanorods with its length of 20~100 nm were grown on the nanofibrils of ePTFE.The formation of this hierarchical structure enhanced the fine dust capture performance.0.3 m of silica powders were used to evaluate the filtration performance of this functionalized filter.As a consequence,the dust removal efficiencies of ZnOnanorods modified membrane is higher than 99.99%,which is greater than that of original membrane(96.12%).Also,the pressure drop is 40%lower than that of original membrane after a one— hour filtration test.The introduction of nanorods play a role in increasing the inertia collision rate,enlarging the contact area between dust and filter,decreasing the particles accumulation in membrane pores.Tar is usually contained in industrial fumes which prefer to stick on the membrane surface.This tar fouling layer will significantly increase the pressure drop in filtration process.It is available to modify hydrophobic ePTFE membrane to acquire amphiphobic function(water contact angle > 150°,oil contact angle > 125°).In oil bearing fumes filtration process,the modified membrane showed excellent oil rejection(>99.5%) and a stable filtration pressure drop.For high temperature fumes treatment,we have developed a high porosity,excellent thermal shock resistance gas purification ceramic membrane.(A high porosity,excellent thermal shock resistance gas purification ceramic membrane was developed for high temperature fumes treatment.) Inorganic fibrils were induced to prepare SiC ceramic membrane.The porosity is greater than 44%,highest to 50%.The bending strength and gas permeability are tripled and 1.7 times enhancement compared to original membrane,respectively.Further,the induction of some active compositions made the membrane with other functions such as antibacterial,VOCs catalytic degradation.So far,we have success industrialized the membrane techniques in coal-fired power generation,biomass boiler,high temperature sintering furnace,dye recovery,food production and some other fumes purification and gas-solid separation processes.More than twenty items of demonstration projects have been established.

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