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产细菌素的干酪乳杆菌(Lactobacillus casei)CAU112对动物具有益生效应。本文尝试了一种新的微胶囊包被的方法以提高CAU112在动物消化系统中的存活率。通过实验发现,海藻酸钠(alginate)作为包被基质时,添加0.25%的黄原胶(xanthan gum)可明显提高CAU112的包被效率,当海藻酸钠浓度为3%时添加0.25%的黄原胶能达到最高的包被效率97.8%。包被后的CAU112在酸性条件下(pH2.5 to 4.5)存活率显著提高。分别将海藻酸钠、海藻酸钠+黄原胶包被的CAU112和未包被的CAU112以1%的添加量添加到预混料中,并在密封塑料袋中保存30天后,每克预混料中海藻酸钠+黄原胶、海藻酸钠包被的CAU112及未包被的CAU112的活菌数分别下降了0.73、2.31和3.92个数量级;60天后分别下降了1.35、4.22和8.15个数量级。以上结果表明海藻酸钠+黄原胶是CAU112的理想包被基质,其包被效果比单纯使用海藻酸钠更好。随后的肉鸡饲养试验中包被后的CAU112被证实在采食量无明显差异的情况下能显著提高日增重(P<0.05)和饲料转化率(P<0.05),显著降低死淘率(P<0.01),显著提高肉仔鸡的细胞免疫(P<0.01)和体液免疫水平(P<0.01)
A new preparation method of stabile microencapsulated lactobacillin-producing lactobacillus casei CAU112(MLLC) as an antibiotics alternative was investigated.The efficiency of microencapsulated Lactobacillus Casei CAU112 with alginate(AL) or with AL containing 0.25%xanthan gum(ALX),the tolerance to acid and survival of encapsulated CAU112 cells in premix additive were detected and compared.The results showed that efficiency of microencapsulated CAU112 with alginate(AL) containing 0.25%xanthan gum(ALX) was higher than that with the same concentration of AL alone.The optimum EM appeared when the concentration of AL was 3%and the best efficiency of microencapsulation with ALX was 97.8%.When encapsulated CAU112 cells were exposed to acidic condition(pH from2.5 to 4.5),survival of ALX-encapsulated cells was significantly improved.CAU112 cells(AL-,ALX-encapsulated and free cells) were incorporated into the premix additive with 1%supplement and stored at ambient temperature in sealed plastic bags over 60 d and the livability of the cells was compared.Levels of uncoated(free cells) and AL-or ALX-encapsulated cells declined by 3.92,2.31 and 0.73 log count after 30 d,respectively.Comparing with AL-encapsulated CAU112,survival of ALX-encapsulated CAU112 was improved near 6 log count after 60 d.The results indicated that,as cell microencapsulation matrix ALX is better than AL alone.The effects of encapsulated CAU112 as green feed additive was conducted with broiler chickens.Five hundred of one-day-old broilers were randomly divided into5 groups,group NC(negative control) was fed with basal diet,group Ml,M2,M3 and PC(positive control) were fed with basal diet supplemented with 300,500 and 1000 mg/kg encapsulated CAU112 and 10 mg/kg Flavomycin,respectively.Encapsulated CAU112 could increase average live weight,average daily gain and feed/gain of broilers during day 1 to 49,reduce mortality rate,improve productive performance,especially enhance the level of cellular and humoral immunity.Therefore,MLLC can be an antibiotics alternative.

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