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中国平胸龟(Platysternon megacephalum,1831)又名大头龟或鹰嘴龟,2013被列入濒危物种国际贸易公约(CITES)附录I,属国家一级保护动物,极度濒危。2012年以来在安徽皖南山区的山谷中建立了仿生态平胸龟人工繁育基地,2015年首次人工繁育成功。现将相关技术总结如下:1养殖设施:龟池分割为3-6 m~2单元池,池壁高40-50 cm,池底为沙土,1/3为陆地种植小型灌木遮阴,2/3浸水15-30 cm;2种龟培育:放养密度0.5-1只/m~2,雌雄比例2-3:1,投喂适口鲜活饵料;3繁殖:9~10月水温20-22℃时交配,次年6月水温20℃时开始产卵,卵分2-3批产出,每次1-3枚;4孵化:孵化室温25-30℃,空气湿度80-83%,60-70 d孵化出苗;5越冬:11月-次年3月在山洞越冬保种,洞内温度保持在6-8℃。该研究为进一步开展平胸龟保护和人工繁育提供参考。
Chinese Big-headed Turtle(Platysternon megacephalum, 1831), also known as olecranon turtle, was listed in Annex I of CITES in 2013 and belonged to the national level to protect animals. The imitation of P. megacephalum ecological breeding base was built at a broad flat valley of mountain area of southern Anhui province in 2012. We successfully bred P.megacephalum for the first time in 2015. The corresponding technologies were as follows: 1Facilities: The culture pond was divided into 3-6 m~2 unit pool with sandy soil in the bottom. The height of wall is 40-50 cm. 1/3 of the bottom was land and some small shrubs were planted to provide shade; 2/3 was immersed in water(15-30 cm depth). 2Breeding: 0.5-1 P. megacephalum was stock in every square meter with male and female ratio of 2-3: 1. 3 Spawning: P.megacephalum mated at water temperature 20-22 ℃. The spawning time was in the next June when the water temperature 20 ℃. One female can spawn 2-3 times in a year and 1-3 eggs could be obtained in every time. 4 Hatching: Room temperature: 25-30 ℃; Air humidity: 80-83%;Hatching time: 60-70 days. 5Overwintering: P. megacephalum was hold in the cave during Nov.to Mar. of next year, and the temperature remained at 6-8 ℃. The study provided a reference for the further protection and artificial breeding of P. megacephalum.

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