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In the process of a conflict,it is very important to obtain the preference information of its opponent in a appropriate way to improve its own interests.Based on the theory of graph model for conflict resolutions model is established about player's preference cognitive in a conflict.Firstly,through logical analysis,it is gained that a player's ideal outcome is not its opponent's definitely,namely,its opponent hopes that the preference value of this outcome the smaller the better.Secondly,a method is presented to acquire the minimum preference value of the outcome above.Then inverse problem model is used to get preference order sets which satisfy Nash and SEQ stable respectively.Finally,the distribution of preference information entropy is constructed for mining the information contained in the preference sets.Then the preference information of opponent for maintaining the stable of ideal state can be obtained.The proposed model is employed to "Cuban Missile Crisis" conflict in which there are two main players;US and USSR.Through the analysis of preference cognitive model of preference,it is concluded that the feasible state and its corresponding strategies needs to be concerned if the US wants to obtain the Nash and SEQ equilibrium in its ideal conflict outcome.At the same time,the effectiveness and superiority of the model is verified.The preference cognitive model can provide a decision gist for a player from strategic level.
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