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水冷增殖包层是中国工程实验聚变堆(CFETR)的候选包层之一,包层模块的中子输运模拟对包层的设计是至关重要的,模拟中选用的聚变核数据库也会对模拟结果的产生影响。本文利用蒙特卡罗程序MCNP,参考JAERI关于锂壳的产氚实验装置建立了锂球壳模型,同时还参考日本JAEA的水冷包层设计建立了包层的一维球壳模型,分别采用FENDL2.1、FENDL3.0和JEFF 3.2三个数据库进行了中子输运模拟,计算了总氚增殖率(TBR)。模拟结果分别与锂球壳实验数据及水冷包层设计参数进行对比分析,表明FENDL3.0或JEFF 3.2可以作为水冷包层模块三维中子模拟的核数据库。
Water Cooled Breeder Blanket is one of the breeder blanket candidates for China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor(CFETR),and the neutron transport simulation of blanket module is significant for the blanket design.The selection of fusion nuclear data libraries impacts on the simulation results.The simple Li sphere model is built based on the experimental facility of tritium production about Li sphere shell constructed by JAERI,and the 1D sphere model of blanket is built referring to JAEA water cooled blanket design using the neutron transport Monte Carlo code MCNP.The neutronics simulations are carried out with FENDL 2.1,FENDL 3.0 and JEFF 3.2 to obtain tritium breeding ration(TBR),which is compared with experimental results and design parameters respectively.The results shows that the FENDL 3.0 or JEFF 3.2 is the selected data libraries for 3D neutronics simulation of blanket module.
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