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自古以来,塔里木盆地与西藏西部地区通过不同方式不断有着频繁的物资、文化交流,过去已有不少学者通过汉、藏文献寻找线索探讨其间存在的交通路线等问题。本文依据一批新出土的考古材料,进一步结合文献加以综合研究。主要观点认为:塔里木盆地南缘与藏北羌塘高原之间早在远古时期便已经存在着传统的通道,新疆皮山县以南的西南面的昆仑山崖沿桑株河、苏勒阿孜河和康阿孜等地的古代岩画,与西藏西部阿里地区、藏北地区发现的古代岩画无论从题材到雕刻技法都反映出许多共同点,应当是远古时期游牧民族往来形成的历史遗迹。5世纪?7世纪,于阂进入到佛教艺术的兴盛期,尤其是7世纪以后大量密教造像的出现,对其后西藏西部佛教艺术基本风格与内容的形成有着重要的影响,吐蕃的进入可能更加速了这一发展趋势。具体就考古遗存而言,其中于阗佛寺的泥塑造像、木板画、铜佛像等均对1 1世纪?1 3世纪西藏西部古格佛教艺术起到直接的示范作用。吐蕃时期在克什米尔、吉尔吉特与西藏西部之间,一直存在着密切的联系,西藏西部很可能承担着中亚与敦煌、卫藏地区文化传播的某种中介角色。意大利著名藏学家G.杜齐等学者曾提出应当注意西藏佛教艺术中的"于阗风格",笔者认为在现存的古格早期佛教艺术遗存中,便存在着这种风格的遗痕。
From the ancient times,there was the different interaction of material and cultural exchange continuously in the region of Tarim Basin and western Tibet.Some scholars focused on historical records in Chinese and Tibetan to examine the existence of route in this region.This study relies on the new archaeological evidences and textual data to detect this issue.The view of this paper is that there was a traditional route between south of the Tarim Basin and byang-thang Plateau of northern Tibet in the long time ago.From the ancient rock art on the cliff of southwest of Kunlun Mountains along Sangzhu River,Suleezi River and Kangezi regions where are located in the south of Pishan county,Xinjiang that showed the common characteristics of themes and carving techniques comparing with those found in Ngris,western Tibet and northern Tibet.The rock art should be the historical relics which recorded the communication of the ancient nomadic ethic groups in this region.In the 5-7th century,the development of Buddhist arts was prosperous in Khotan,especially there were a large amount of images of esoteric Buddhism after the 7th century that affected the formation of artistic style and contexts of Buddhist arts in the western Tibet.On the other sides,the influence of Tubo might be strengthened the growth of this trend.Based on the archaeological artifacts,we found the clay statues,paintings on wooden panels and metal statues from the temples in Khotan.These artifacts provided the references for the arts of Guge Buddhist arts in western Tibet from the 11 th to 13 th century.In the period of Tubo,it was a close connection among Kashmir,Gilgit and western Tibet,and then,western Tibet played the medium role for the spread of culture in the district of Central Asia,Dunhuang and central Tibet.The famous Italian Tibetan expert,G.Tucci,had suggested that we should pay more attention on "the style of Khotan" in the art of Tibetan Buddhism.The author notes this style to be found in the relics of the early Guge Buddhist art.
    (3)Amy Heller:Indian Style,Kashmiri Style:Aesthetics of Choice in Eleventh Century Tibet,Orientations,Vol.32,No10,December 2001.

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