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目前的巴特勒矩阵均基于微带线结构,当工作频率进一步提升,将会响电路的性能。本文提出了一种工作在X频段下基于片状单元的小型巴特勒矩阵设计。为了达到宽带的性能和简单的结构,本文应用了基于片状单元的非标准相位差耦合器与具有创新性的交叉跨线来代替传统的器件。在片状单元独特的优点帮助下,本文提出的巴特勒矩阵展现了良好的性能,其工作频率为X频段中的9 GHz至11 GHz。实测结果显示本电路在幅度的误差小于1d B的前提下同时相位差保持±5°的误差,其回波损耗优于-10 d B的比例超过20%的带宽。与此同时,与传统的巴特勒矩阵相比,利用在拓扑结构上的简易性,本文的巴特勒矩阵电路仅占据很小的空间。
The existing designs of Butler matrices are all based on microstrip lines, which may cause performance degradation when the operation frequency increases. To solve this problem, this article presents the design and realization of Butler matrix based on patch element. In order to achieve wideband and simple structure features, the circuit utilizes couplers with arbitrary phase difference and a novel crossover instead of the standard ones. With the help of patch element's unique advantages, the proposed matrix exhibits a good performance which covers a high frequency band ranging from 9 GHz to 11 GHz. The measurements show accurate phase differences of 45° ± 5°, and with an amplitude imbalance less than 1d B. The return losses are better than-10 d B over a relative bandwidth of 20%. Meanwhile, the structure occupies a small area compared to conventional Butler matrices owe to its simplicity in topology.
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