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本文设计了一种形状类似于悠悠球的宽带圆管型水声换能器,该换能器由三组不同尺寸的压电陶瓷圆管沿轴向排列组成,每组换能器的工作频带不同,三组压电陶瓷圆管的发射声场互相叠加形成换能器在较宽范围内的发射电压响应。通过建立了换能器的有限元模型,对换能器的近场声压级,导纳特性,和声场指向性进行了分析,并通过优化各个圆管的厚度与高度,以及各圆管之间的距离,实现了工作带宽在14k Hz-131k Hz的范围,发射响应级起伏为12.7d B的实现了超宽频带换能器的设计。
This paper presents a broadband underwater acoustic transducer which has the shape similar to a Yo-Yo. The transducer is made up of three different kinds of the piezoelectric ceramic composition tubes,which are axially and each transducer operates at different frequency bands.The emitted voltage response of the transducer is formed by superimposed the emitting sound field of the three piezoelectric ceramic tubes.By establish the transducer finite element model of the transducer, the external sound field,admittance directional sound field of the transducer are analyzed, and the optimized parameters of the transducer are obtained by varying the thickness and height of the tubes and the distance between the tube. The fluctuation of the transmitting response level is 12.7d B when the frequency range from 14 k Hz to 131 k Hz and it realized the project super wideband transducer design.
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