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超级电容器由于其充放电速率快,寿命长,安全性好等优点而在新一代柔性储能器件中备受关注~([1]),然而目前报道的柔性超级电容器主要为超薄平面状和纤维状两种~([2,3])。前者可穿戴性不足难以适应复杂弯曲的身体表面,后者能量密度相对较低且难以大尺寸连续制备。基于此,本文报道了一种弹性可穿戴的环状超级电容器。该电容器在电流密度1Ag~(-1)的条件下比容量为134.8 Fg~(-1),并且其电化学性能在不同弹性变形过程中能够稳定维持。由于独特的环状结构以及良好的弹性形变能力,该电容器可以直接穿戴在不同尺寸和形状的身体表面,能够很好的满足可穿戴需求。
The development of flexible energy storage devices is critical while it remains challenging for wearable electronics.Herein,a new family of elastic and wearable ring-type supercapacitors is fabricated by winding aligned carbon nanotube/poly(3,4-ethyl-enedioxy-thiophene):poly(styrene sulfonate) composite sheets onto an elastic polymer ring.The supercapacitor delivers a high specific capacitance of 134.8 F g~(-1) at a current density of 1 A g~(-1).Importantly,the specific capacitance has been well maintained after expanding and pressing,which endows the supercapacitor with unique advantages,e.g.,it can be used for substrates with different sizes and shapes and may satisfy a variety of wearable applications as well as other fields.

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