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采用RT-PCR方法从小苍兰花瓣中克隆到1个LIS基因,含有完整的cDNA开放阅读框(ORF),共1779个碱基。与其他物种的芳樟醇合成酶氨基酸序列都有一定的同源性,达到40%-95%。应用荧光定量PCR分析表明,L/S在小苍兰品种White Wing-2中表达量最高,在花瓣中高表达,且在花发育的始花期表达量最高。
In the study,the full-length cDNA sequence of LIS gene was cloned from petals of freesia hybrida using RT-PCR.The cDNA included a whole open reading frame of 1779 bp.The amino acid was highly conserved compared with other LIS homologues and shared up to 40%-95%homology with other LIS.The fluorescent quantitative PCR analysis indicated that LIS was highly expressed in early flowering period,the transcript level was highest in White Wing-2 and petals.
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