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In this paper,through the outdoor rice pot experiment which include the conventional water cultivation CK,flooded cultivation in the whole stages QY,booting stage flooded cultivation YY, filling stage flooded cultivation GY, we studied the effect of the different stages of water management to the content of Cd and As for different organs of rice plant which grow in the soil with Severe Cd pollution,Mild As compound pollution.The results showed that the ability of the different water management models to control the transformation and transformation of heavy metals Cd into brown rice was:QY> GY> YY> CK. The ability of the different water management models to inhibit the transformation and transformation of heavy metal As to brown rice was: CK> GY = YY> QY. The three kinds of flooding models could significantly reduce the Cd uptake and accumulation of rice, so that the absorption and accumulation of cadmium in the organs of rice decreased, and the content of As in grain would not be increased significantly. Flooding in the whole growing period was the most suitable water management mode, followed by flooding in the grain filling stage, all of which reduced the heavy metal Cd while keeping the heavy metal As below the national food limit.
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