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Allergic contact dermatitis,or skin sensitization,is an inflammatory reaction controlled by the immune response induced by foreign substances.Animal models such as the guinea pig maximization test were traditionally used to estimate whether a chemical has the potential to induce skin sensitization in humans.Under the promote if 3Rs principle and modernization technologies,several refined animal testing and in vitro screening methods have been developed for identifying potential contact allergens,such as the murine local lymph node assay(LLNA),DPRA,KeratinoSens? and h-CLAT.The development of in vitro methods is suitable to predict sensitization hazard from chemicals and cosmetics.More recently,the theory underlying this approach has been formalized in the "adverse outcome pathway"(AOP)paradigm,a concept that links the individual events starting from the molecular initiating event(MIE) to the result at the level of the whole organism,integrated test strategy that take "weight of evidence" and "cost-effectiveness" into consideration for the AOP-based skin sensitization is the important goal for future.
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