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Previous research reveals that sludge composting for desert land afforestation is a considerably effective solution to urban sludge disposal problem and sludge reutilization. However, it still remains uncertain that whether heavy metals in sludge will accumulate in soil and its potential ecological impact. In this study, compost sludge has been used as fertilizer within an afforestation project of a city. Soil samples from different time after fertilization are collected. With soil samples, the variations of Zn, Cd, Hg, Pb, As, Cr, Cu and Ni content along with time are investigated and their ecological risk are evaluated by Hakanson potential ecological risk index. Meanwhile, underneath the soil contamination forecast model, the accumulation concentrations of heavy metals in the soil at different fertilizing years are predicted. The results show that the descending order of the heavy metal average content in samples is Zn, Ni, Cr, Cu, Pb, As, Hg, Cd, in which all heavy metals had higher contents than their background values in soil. In terms of the average risk index, the descending order is Hg, Cd, Pb, As, Cu, Cr, Ni and Zn. Additionally, the potential hazards comprehensive index of the fertilized area is 84.79 ~ 680.84, where 274.63 is average. The contribution rates of Hg and Cd to potential ecological risk index were 13.15%~63.27% and 21.46%~45.38%, respectively. The potential ecological risk of heavy metals in soil is observed to be positively correlated with the amount of sludge compost. On the other hand, the integrated ecological risk index of heavy metals in soil decreased with time. According to the results of prediction model of soil contamination, in the soil fertilized by compost sludge under a ratio of 10%(compost sludge to total filled soil in weight) for 15 years, all the heavy metal contents will not exceed the restrict of level Ⅲ of Environmental quality standard for soils(GB15618—1995).
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