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<正>地震波速度是认识地球深部过程的重要参数。利用地震学获得的速度结构图像讨论地球演化过程,首先需要回答地震波速度图像代表哪个时期构造事件的影响?这是地震波速度结构图像的时效性问题。本文立足于岩石物理实验依据(Vacher等,1996;Goes等,2000;Schmandt和Humphreys,2010),利用温度和速度相互转化关系(Goes等,2000;Cammarano等,2003;Shapiro等,2004;van Wijk等,2008),通过地球动力学数值方法模拟高温异常体的温度场同化效应,来探讨中国东部上地
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    Shapiro N M,Ritzwoller M H.2004.Thermodynamic constraints on seismic inversions.Geophys J Int,157:1175-1188
    Schmandt B,Humphreys E.2010.Complex subduction and small-scale convection revealed by body-wave tomography of the western United States upper mantle.Earth Planet Sci Lett,297:435-445
    Vacher P,Mocquet A,Sotin C.1996.Comparison between tomographic structures and models of convection in the upper mantle.Geophys J Int,124:45-56
    Van Wijk J,van Hunen J,Goes S.2008.Small-scale convection during continental rifting:Evidence from the Rio Grande rift.Geology,36:575-578
    Zhao L,Allen R M,Zheng T Y,Zhu R X.2012.High-resolution body-wave tomography models of the upper mantle beneath eastern China and the adjacent areas.Geochem Geophys Geosyst,13:56-59

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