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(1)See Bryan A.Garner,and Henry Campbell Black,Black's Law Dictionary,9th ed,St.Paul,MN:Thomson/West,2009m p.601.
    (2)See Daniel P.Dalton,"A History of Eminent Domain",Public Corporation Law Quarterly,No.3,2006,p.1.
    (3)See Ibid.,p.1.
    (2)See Stowell v.Flagg.ll Mass.364(1814).
    (3)See Harding v.Goodlett,ll Tenn.(3 Yer.)40(1832).
    (4)See Berman v.Parker,348 U.S.26(1954),Hawaii Housing Authority v.Midkiff,467 U.S.229(1984),Poletown Neighborhood Council v.City of Detroit,410 Mich.616(1981).
    (5)See Kelo v.City of New London,545 U.S.469(2005).
    (6)John G.Sprankling,Understanding Property Law,Matthew Bender&Company,Inc.,2013,pp.831-834.
    (1)Lochner v.New York,198 U.S.45,53(1905).
    (1)See William Michael Treanor,"The Origins and Original Significance of the Just Compensation Clause of the Fifth Amendment",Yale Law Journal,Vol.94,No.3,1985.
    (2)See John F.Hart,"Colonial Land Use Law and Its Significance for Modern Takings Doctrine",Harvard Law Review,Vol.109,No.6,1996.
    (3)Lindsay v.Commissioners,2 S.C.L.38(1796).
    (4)M'clenachan v.Curwen,6 Binn.509(1806).
    (5)Treanor,The Origins and Original Significance of the Just Compensation Clause of the Fifth Amendment,p.697.
    (1)Lindsay,2 S.C.L.p.38.
    (2)Treanor,The Origins and Original Significance of the Just Compensation Clause of the Fifth Amendment,p.699.
    (3)Lindsay,2 S.C.L.p.38.see also Mtlenachan 6 Binn.at 509.
    (1)Province Laws 1713,ch.15.
    (2)Stowell v.Flagg,11 Mass.364(1814).
    (3)See Jr.Philip Nichols,“The Meaning of Public Use in the Law of Eminent Domain",B.U.L.Rev,Vol,20,1940,p.615.
    (4)See Harding v.Goodlett,11 Tenn.(3 Yer.)40(1832).See Emily A.Johnson,"Reconciling Originalism and the History of the Public Use Clause",Fordham L Rev,Vol.79,2010,p.265.
    (1)William Michael Treanor,"The Original Understanding of the Takings Clause and the Political Process",Colum.L.Rev,Vol.95,1995,p.782,pp.786-787.
    (2)Ralph V.Turner,Magna Carta-Through the Ages,1~(st)ed.Longman,2003,p.231.
    (3)Treanor,The Original Understanding of the Takings Clause and the Political Process,pp.787-788.
    (1)See Ostler,Duane L,"Bills of Attainder and the Formation of the American Takings Clause at the Founding of the Republic",Campbell L.Rev,Vo\.32,2009,p.227.
    (2)16B Am.Jur.2d Constitutional Law§716.
    (3)Vt.Const,of 1777,ch.I,art.II,http://www.leg.state,vt.us/statutes/const2.htm.
    (4)Mass.Const,of 1780,part I,art.X,https://malegislature.gov/Laws/Constitution#pageTop.
    (5)Northwest Ordinance of 1787,art.2,http://avalon.law.yale.edu/18th_century/nworder.asp.
    (1)Ralph V.Turner,Magna Carta:Through the Ages,V ed.Longman,2003,p.231.
    (2)See Peter J.Kulick,"Rolling the Dice:Determining Public Use in Order to Effectuate a Public-Private Taking-A Proposal to Redefine Public Use",L.Rev.MSU-DCL,2000,p.639,643.
    (1)See Treanor,The Original Understanding of the Takings Clause and the Political Process,p.787.
    (2)See John F.Hart,"Property Rights,Costs,and Welfare:Delaware Water Mill Legislation,1719-1859",The Journal of Legal Studies,Vol.27,No.2,1998,p.455,n.3&n.4.
    (1)Northwest Ordinance of 1787,art.2,http://avalon.law.yale.edu/18th_century/nworder.asp.
    (2)See William Michael Treanor,"The Origins and Original Significance of the Just Compensation Clause of the Fifth Amendment",Yale Law Journal,Vol.94,No.3,1985,p.782,855.
    (3)See W.S.McKechnie,Magna Carta:A Commentary on the Great Charter of King John,2~(nd)ed.,J.Maclehose and sons,1914,p.105.
    (4)See Ibid.,p.106.
    (5)See Ibid,p.107.
    (1)See W.S.McKechnie,Magna Carta:A Commentary on the Great Charter of King John,2~(nd)ed.,J.Maclehose and sons,1914,p.108.
    (2)See Ibid.,p.110.
    (3)See Ibid.pp.115-116.
    (4)See Ibid.p.119.
    (2)See Sir William Blackstone,Commentaries on the Laws of England,Vol.1,Portland;T.B.Wait Company,1807,pp.38-40.
    (3)See Sir William Blackstone,Commentaries on the Laws of England,Vol.1,Portland:T.B.Wait Company,1807,pp.43-44,49.
    (1)Ralph v.Turner,Magna Carta:Through the Ages,1~(st)ed.,Longman,2003,p.209.
    (3)See Ralph v.Turner,Magna Carta:Through the Ages,1~(st)ed.Longman,2003,p.209.
    (4)See Ibid.,p.211.
    (1)See Ralph v.Turner,Magna Carta:Through the Ages,1~(st)ed.Longman,2003,p.213.

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