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焦化废水中有机污染物成分复杂,可生化性较差,直接采用生物处理难以取得良好的去除效果。本文以某钢厂焦化废水为研究对象,采用臭氧连续投加方式对该废水进行预氧化处理,系统考察了臭氧预氧化对焦化废水中有机污染物的去除规律。结果表明,臭氧预氧化对COD、色度、UV_(254)和UV_(270)有较好的去除,去除率最高分别为49.60%,59.60%,57.70%和78.10%,TOC去除率相对较低,最高仅为20.10%;在氧化反应60 min内,臭氧利用率始终较高(>92.6%),且反应前30 min接近100%;臭氧氧化过程中,臭氧累计消耗量与COD累计去除量基本呈现线性关系,在臭氧氧化的不同反应时间段内,COD去除量与臭氧消耗量的比值略呈下降的趋势。三维荧光分析结果表明,在臭氧氧化过程中,焦化废水中的类腐殖质类物质含量有明显的去除,部分转化为可溶性的类微生物类产品。同时发现,焦化废水经臭氧氧化后,BOD5与COD的比值并没有随臭氧投量的增加而升高,反而略有下降的趋势,表明经过臭氧氧化后并没有明显提高此焦化废水的可生化性。
Coking effluent is a difficultly biological degraded wastewater containing complex organic pollutants, thus it is hard to get a high removal efficiency when biological treatment was applied. In this paper, coking wastewater from a steel plant was taken as the research object, by continuously dosing ozone into the wastewater for pretreatment, the removal trends of organic pollutants in coking wastewater during ozone pre-oxidation was systematically investigated. The results showed that ozone pre-oxidation had a good performance in the removal of COD, chroma, UV_(254) and UV_(270), and the highest removal rates of them were 49.60%, 59.60%, 57.70% and 78.10%, respectively, while the removal rate of TOC is relatively lower, with the highest rate of 20.10%. During the first 60 minutes of oxidation reaction, the utilization rate of ozone was constantly high(>92.60%), which was even close to 100% within the initial 30 minutes. During ozonation, the total removal amount of COD and the total accumulated ozone consumption exhibited a linear relationship, while at different reaction time of ozone oxidation, the ratio of COD removal and ozone consumption decreased slightly. Three dimensional fluorescence analysis showed that in ozonation process, the content of humic substances in coking wastewater obviously reduced, as part of them were transformed into soluble microbia-like byproduct. Meanwhile, after ozone oxidation, the ratio of BOD5 and COD in the coking wastewater showed a decreasing trend, rather than an increasing trend with the increase of ozone dosage, indicating that the biodegradability of coking wastewater was not significantly improved after ozonation.
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