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The American Missionary Albert Shelton introduced western medicine into Tachienlu and Batang of Khams.He was one of the major doctors who practiced western medical care and established a hospital in Batang between 1908 and 1922.No study has thus far been made of his medical practice in Batang,since the relevant historical literature that is available in China is extremely limited.Based on his autobiography,his family members' memoirs and a biography in English,the relevant Chinese historical literature as well as the authors' fieldwork,this paper attempts to explore Shelton's medical activities in Batang and his interaction with Eastern Tibet.This study can help us further to understand the activities of Westerners in Khams and shed light Sino-Western cultural exchange in modern Eastern Tibet.
(1)该基督会由美国牧师亚历山大·坎贝尔(Alexander Campbell)于1827年创立。参见URL:http:////www.mun.ca/rels/restmov/texts/egates/tdoc/TDOC12.HTM。史德文的汉译名也作西尔顿、谢尔顿等,1904-1908年在康定传教和行医。参见赵艾东:《二十世紀初美国传教士史德文在康区打箭炉的医疗活动》,《中国藏学》2008年第3期,第115~120页。
    (2)Albert Shelton,Pioneering in Tibet:A Personal Record of Life and Experience in Mission Fields,1921;Flora Shelton,Shelton of Tibet,New York:George H.Doran Company,1923;Douglas Wissing.Pioneer in Tibet:The Life and Perils of Dr.Albert Shelton,New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2004;Dorris Still,Beyond the Devils in the Wind,Tempe:Synergy Books,1989.
    (5)Douglas Wissing,Pioneer in Tibet:the Life and Perils of Dr.Albert Shelton,pp.90—91.
    (6)Douglas Wissing,Pioneer in Tibet:the Life and Perils of Dr.Albert Shelton,pp.88—89;Albert Shelton,Pioneering in Tibet:A Personal Record of Life and Experience in Mission Fields,p.47.
    (7)Albert Shelton,Pioneering in Tibet:A Personal Record of Life and Experience in Mission Fields,p.46.
    (1)Albert Shelton,Pioneering in Tibet;A Personal Record of Life and Experience in Mission Fields,pp.46—47.
    (2)Douglas Wissing,Pioneer in Tibet:the Life and Perils of Dr.Albert Shelton,pp.88;99-100.后来格桑旺堆在巴塘长期担任史德文的藏语老师,并与史夫人合作将《圣经》等经书和巴塘华西教会学校所使用的一些教材翻译为藏文,且在1918年康藏纠纷期间协助英国外交官台克满等人起草了昌都协议书。参见Flora Shelton,Shelton of Tibet,pp.188-189.
    (3)Douglas Wissing,Pioneer in Tibet:the Life and Perils of Dr.Albert Shelton,p.99,Albert Shelton,Pioneering in Tibet:A Personal Record of Life and Experience in Mission Fields,p.50.
    (1)Albert Shelton,Pioneering in Tibet:A Personal Record of Life and Experience in Mission Fields?p.56.
    (2)Dorris Still,Beyond the Devils in the Wind,p.57.
    (3)Douglas Wissing,Pioneer in Tibet;the Life and Perils of Dr.Albert Shelton,p.147;Dorris Still,Beyond the Devils in the Wind,p.57.
    (4)Dorris Still,Beyond the Devils in the Wind,p.33.
    (5)Albert Shelton,Pioneering in Tibet:A Personal Record of Life and Experience in Mission Fields,pp.70—71.
    (2)参见Dorris Still,Beyond the Devils in the Wind,pp.43,51.
    (3)Albert Shelton,Pioneering in Tibet:A Personal Record of Life and Experience in Mission Fields,p.60.
    (4)Douglas Wissing,Pioneer in Tibet:the Life and Perils of Dr.Albert Shelton,pp.101—102.
    (5)Albert Shelton,Pioneering in Tibet:A Personal Record of Life and Experience in Mission Fields,p.88.
    (6)Albert Shelton,Pioneering in Tibet:A Personal Record of Life and Experience in Mission Fields,p.84.
    (1)Albert Shelton,Pioneering in Tibet:A Personal Record of Life and Experietice in Mission Fields,p.134.
    (2)Dorris Still,Beyond the Devils in the Wind,p.78.
    (3)Albert Shelton,Pioneering in Tibet:A Personal Record of Life and Experience in Mission Fields,p.91.
    (4)Albert Shelton,Pioneering in Tibet:A Personal Record of Life and Experience in Mission Fields,p.94.
    (5)Albert Shelton,Pioneering in Tibet:A Personal Record of Life and Experience in Mission Fields,p.104.
    (6)Albert Shelton,Pioneering in Tibet:A Personal Record of Life and Experience in Mission Fields,p.104.
    (7)Marian L,Duncan,"A Flame of the Fire",Lexington Theological Quarterly,Vol.XLII,No.2—4,2007,p.143.
    (8)Albert Shelton,Pioneering in Tibet;A Personal Record of Life and Experience in Mission Fields,p.109.
    (9)Albert Shelton,Pioneering in Tibet,p.119.
    (10)Marian L.Duncan,A Flame of the Fire,p.150.
    (11)Flora Shelton,Shelton of Tibet,p.142.
    (1)Albert Shelton,Pioneering in Tibet:A Personal Record of Life and Experience in Mission Fields,p.73.
    (2)Flora Shelton,Shelton of Tibet,pp.142-156.
    (5)Flora Shelton,Shelton of Tibet,pp.149—153.
    (1)Dorris Still,Beyond the Devils in the Wind,p.49.
    (2)Douglas Wissing,Pioneer in Tibet;The Life and Perils of Dr.Albert Shelton,p.173.
    (3)Albert Shelton,Pioneering in Tibet:A Personal Record of Life and Experience in Mission Fields,p.125.
    (4)Douglas Wissing,Pioneer in Tibet:The Life and Perils of Dr.Albert Shelton,p.173.
    (1)Albert Shelton,Pioneering in Tibet:A Personal Record of Life and Experience in Mission Fields,pp.97-98.
    (3)Dorris Still,Beyond the Devils in the Wind,p.59.
    (4)Albert Shelton,Pioneering in Tibet:A Personal Record of Life and Experience in Mission Fields,pp.99—100.
    (5)Douglas Wissing,Pioneer in Tibet:The Life and Perils of Dr.Albert Shelton,p.147.
    (6)Marian L.Duncan,A Flame of the Fire,p.163.
    (7)Douglas Wissing,Pioneer in Tibet:The Life and Perils of Dr.Albert Shelton,p.148.
    (8)Flora Shelton,Shelton of Tibet,p.188.
    (9)Douglas Wissing,Pioneer in Tibet:The Life and Perils of Dr.Albert Shelton,p.173.
    (1)Albert Shelton,Pioneering in Tibet;A Personal Record of Life and Experience in Mission Fields.pp.71-72.
    (2)Albert Shelton,Pioneering in Tibet:A Personal Record of Life and Experience in Mission Fields.pp.67—68.
    (3)Dorris Still,Beyond the Devils in the Wind.pp.37-38.

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