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静眼(quiet eye,QE)指动作发起前对相应目标区域(3°视角内)持续时间超过100ms的最后注视时间或追踪时间(移动目标任务)(Vickers,2007)。研究发现静眼时间与成绩相关,但这不代表静眼是成绩的前因变量。为了检验两变量之间是否存在因果关系,需将静眼时间作为自变量加以操控。本研究在一项移动目标任务中操控静眼时间,探讨静眼时间长短对成绩的影响,同时检验静眼的在线注意控制和动作行为程序功能(Vickers,2009)。本研究假设:缩短静眼时间导致成绩变差。实验1使用一项字母报告任务操控静眼结束时间进而操控静眼时间。16名研究参与者完成20试次(静眼结束时间早、晚两种条件各10次,以AB-BA法平衡顺序效应)的移动目标任务。操控检查有效,两种条件的静眼结束时间差异显著;但静眼开始时间无差异;静眼时间差异显著,F(1,15)=37.26,p<.001,η_p~2=.71。静眼结束时间提前导致成绩显著变差,F(1,15)=23.91,p<.001,η_p~2=.61。静眼时间与成绩存在因果关系的假设得到支持,同时静眼的在线注意控制功能得到支持。但实验1的问题是字母报告任务可能占用额外认知资源,影响结果。实验2使用视觉掩蔽操控静眼结束时间以及静眼开始时间,探讨静眼时间与成绩的因果关系,同时比较静眼的两种功能。16名研究参与者完成40试次任务,无掩蔽、早期掩蔽、晚期掩蔽、双重掩蔽4种条件以随机顺序呈现。操控检查有效,早期掩蔽和双重掩蔽的静眼开始时间显著更晚;晚期掩蔽和双重掩蔽的静眼结束时间显著更早;掩蔽导致静眼时间显著缩短,F(3,13)=186.18,p<.001,η_p~2=.93,无掩蔽最长,其次为早期掩蔽,再次为晚期掩蔽,双重掩蔽最短。4种条件之间成绩差异显著,F(3,13)=13.22,p<.001,η_p~2=.47,无掩蔽最好,其次早期掩蔽和晚期掩蔽(二者无显著差异),双重掩蔽最差。总而言之,静眼时间和成绩之间存在因果关系,为静眼训练(旨在通过延长静眼时间提高成绩的训练方法)的实施提供实证支持。另外,静眼的动作行为程序作用和在线注意控制功能均得到支持,静眼早期阶段和晚期阶段对成绩均有重要作用。
Previous research has studied the quiet eye(QE) in sports involving an interceptive moving-target task(Causer, Holmes, Smith, & Williams, 2011; Wilson, Miles, Vine, & Vickers, 2013). QE is argued to support the pre-programming and/or online control of the movement. Longer QE duration is related to better performance; however, it is not clear as to the direction of this relationship, or the extent to which the timing of the information(i.e. early or late) is important. The present study aimed to further our knowledge of the role of the QE in preprogramming or controlling the movement online by manipulating both the termination of the offset or the initiation of the onset of the QE in an interceptive moving-target task. An interceptive throwing task was designed to examine our hypothesis that shorter QE duration would lead to poorer performance. Participants threw a ping-pong ball to a moving target(25.8cm in diameter) projected on a wall 2m away and moving horizontally left or right at 30°/s. In experiment 1, a letter reporting task was used to manipulate the QE offset. 16 participants completed 20 test trails in two conditions(early offset, late offset) which were presented in a counterbalanced order after 40 practice trials. The manipulation was successful: the QE offset was significantly earlier in the early offset condition compared to the late offset condition, but there was no difference in QE onset between the two conditions as expected, and the QE duration was significantly shorter in the early offset condition than the late offset condition, F(1, 15) = 37.26, p<.001, η_p~2=.71. Performance(radial error) was also significantly worse in the early offset condition(22.67±6.21cm) compared to the late offset condition(16.51±4.87cm), F(1, 15) = 23.91, p<.001, η_p~2=.61. The hypothesis was supported. This experiment supports an online control role for the QE as late information played an important functional role in maintaining successful performance. However one limitation of this experiment was that the letter reporting task might have occupied some cognitive resources and therefore impaired the performance above and beyond any visuomotor disruptions to QE. In experiment 2, we therefore manipulated both the onset and offset of the QE with visual mask in order to compare which part(early or later) of the QE plays a more important role in motor performance. 16 participants were asked to perform 40 trials' throwing task in which four conditions were presented in a random order: no mask; early mask(the first 300 ms of the trajectory was masked); late mask(the later part(from 550 ms to 850ms) of the trajectory was masked); and double mask(both the early and late parts were masked). It was hypothesized that performance in the no mask condition would be better than in the other three conditions, with double mask causing the worst performance. We were unsure as to whether the early or late mask would be more disruptive to performance. The manipulations of QE onset and offset were successful: The early and double mask conditions had significantly later QE onset than the no mask and late mask conditions, and late and double mask conditions had significantly earlier QE offset than the no mask and early mask conditions. In total, there were shorter QE durations in the mask conditions compared to the no mask condition, F(3, 13) = 186.18, p<.001, η_p~2=.93. Performance was significantly influenced by the manipulation, F(3, 13) = 13.22, p<.001, η_p~2=.47, with the performance best in the no mask condition(23.99±8.23cm), followed by late mask(29.87±9.93cm) and early mask(32.33±11.93cm) condition, and worst in the double mask condition(35.84±15.77cm). Follow up analysis revealed that there was no significant difference between the early mask and the late mask condition(p>.05), however, the performance in the double mask condition was significantly worse than the late mask condition(p<.05) but marginally significantly worse that the early mask condition(p=.054). The findings in this experiment add further support to the suggestion that the QE supports accurate interceptive task performance, and point to both a pre-programming(via an early QE onset) and online control(via a late QE offset) role. To conclude, this study supports a causal role of the QE period in providing early information on the trajectory of a moving target that aids movement planning and later up-to-date information to inform online corrections. Theoretically, the importance of both early and late information supports both a cognitive and ecological role for the QE. Practically, the finding that a cause-effect relationship existing between the QE duration and the performance could provide evidences supporting the effectiveness of quiet eye training(which is dedicated to prolonging the duration of the QE period) on athletes' attentional control in sports involving an interceptive moving-target task.

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