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真皮表皮结合部(DEJ:dermal epidermaljunction)是一个复杂的结构(图1),将表皮附着到真皮,因而对维持皮肤结构性和机械性起到至关重要作用。也表现为选择性地渗透屏障控制细胞(例如免疫细胞)和分子交换(生长因子和营养物,应激信号等)。表皮细胞与DEJ相互作用调节增值、分化和迁移,这些活动是表皮更新、屏障功能和伤口愈合的关键。内在和外在老化与DEJ结构变化相关联,包括结构扁平化(表皮突减少)~([1])和变薄(图3B)。在分子水平,DEJ的主要构成蛋白(Ⅳ型胶原蛋白、Ⅶ型胶原蛋白和ⅩⅦ型胶原蛋白,层粘连蛋白5(laminin-5)以及整联蛋白β4(integrinβ4)~([2,3]))表达减少。所有这些变化都可能参与到皮肤结构和功能的老化改变(弹性减退、脆性增加、抗压回弹下降、伤口愈合等)。在光老化皮肤中,某些DEJ结构成分(如硫酸乙酰肝素(heparan sulfate))的退化引起渗透性改变,有报道称这些改变参与老年斑的形成~([4])。因此,我们预期DEJ的保护和修复将带来大量的化妆品功效。这篇文章中我们介绍一种独创的具生物利用性的鼠李糖衍生物,其特性、作用机理和使用4周的临床改善。
The dermal epidermal junction(DEJ)is a complex structure(figure 1)primarily responsible for epidermis to dermis attachment.The DEJ thus warrants cohesion and mechanical resistance of the skin.It also behaves as a selective permeability barrier controlling cell migration(immune cells,for example),and molecular exchanges(growth factors and nutrients,stress signals,...).Epidermal cells interaction with the DEJ regulates their proliferation,differentiation and migration,which is critical for epidermal renewal,barrier function setup,and wound healing.Intrinsic and extrinsic ageing are associated with important DEJ structural modifications including flattening(loss of rete ridges)~([1]),duplication and thinning(figure 3B).At a molecular level,there is a decreased expression of the main DEJ constituent-proteins:collagens type Ⅳ,Ⅶ and ⅩⅦ,Laminin-5,and Integrinβ4~([2,3]).All these changes likely participate to structural and functional changes associated to ageing skin(elasticity loss,higher fragility,decreased resilience to stress,impaired wound healing...).In photo-aged skin,degradation of some specific DEJ constituents such as heparan sulfate causes permeability modifications that were reported to participate to age spots formation~([4]).It comes that a large array of cosmetic benefits can be expected from DEJ protection and repair.Here we describe the properties of an original bioavailable rhamnose derivative,its mechanism of action,and clinical improvements obtained after four weeks of treatment.
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    2 Glass D,Langton AK,Vinuela A,Kecble CP,Gibbs NK,Spector TD,Sherratt MJ,Watson RE,Bataille V,and Griffiths CE.Genes coding for dermal-epidermal junction proteins have altered expression with age.J.Invest.Dermatol.2013 133(Suppl 1):S145
    3 Amano S.Possible involvement of basement membrane damage in skin photoaging.J.Invest.Dermatol.200914(Symposium Proceedings):2-7
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