LHAASO WCDA读出电子学前端ASIC芯片的测试与评估
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"国家发改委十二五"规划——LHAASO项目中WCDA读出电子学需要对PMT信号进行大动态范围内的高精度时间及电荷测量,针对此要求我们进行了前端ASIC原型电路的设计。本文主要介绍了对此ASIC原型电路的测试与评估工作。测试结果表明此ASIC时间测量精度好于400 ps,电荷精度在小信号时好于15%,大信号时好于3%,已基本满足应用需求。
High precision time and charge measurement is required in the readout electronics of the WCDA(Water Cherenkov Detector Array) in LHAASO(the large high altitude air shower observatory). We designed an ASIC to integrate all the analog front end circuits based on the TOT method. This paper focuses on the test and evaluation of this front end ASIC. Test results indicate that a time resolution better than 400 ps is achieved; the charge measurement resolution is better than 3% with large input amplitudes, and remains better than 15% with the 1 P.E. input amplitude, which is beyond the application requirement.
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