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This thesis examines Rockhill's academic contributions to western Tibetology and Sinology.With his overlapped roles of being both an American diplomatic official and a scholar during the later half of his life-time,Rockhill's contributions to the Euro-western understanding of the "Oriental" system were largely neglected.The article argues that his approaches of treating both China and Tibet from a relational perspective cannot be simply collapsed into later discipline categories that were highly bounded by and implicated within nation-state building projects,either in China or elsewhere in the world.Academically he touched on three research topics consecutively,firstly the early history of Indian Buddhism,the Tibetan cultures and civilization,and finally the "Oriental" system with China as its metaphor,in which Tibet finds itself.To provide an interpretation to the last topic,Rockhill invested the second half of his life(1884-1914) in exploring China's tribute system,especially in the case of the Sino-Korea relation,an institution of the Chinese empire- exemplified by its relation with Tibet,the ritual confrontations between China'courts and European ambassadors in different times,and finally China's oversea trades in the southeast archipelagoes and the Indian Ocean coasts.These served to illustrate China as a pivotal point of relations of relations,rather than as a polity in the western political sense.
    2“中华帝国”是中文对英文Chinese Empire和The Empire ofChina的翻译。英文的概念早在16世纪中期就出现在欧洲学界,但要到18世纪以后欧洲学界才关注到它包含西藏(Tibet)这一事实。关于中译“中华帝国”概念在19世纪的形成过程,参欧立德:《传统中国是一个帝国吗?》,《读书》,2014(1):29—40;另外,中国学者对这个概念的历史的梳理,见曹新宇、黄兴涛:《欧洲称中国为“帝国”的早期历史考察》,《史学月刊》2015(5):52-63;Chen Bo,"Conceptions of'China'in Early Modern Europe",Chinese Studies in History,No.48(4),2015:401-422.
    4 Kenneth Wimmel,William Woodville Rockhill:Scholar-diplomat of the Tibetan highlands,Bangkok:Orchid Press,2003:86-106.
    5袁世凯唁电,1914年12月9日;Rockhill papers,Box 2964-66,Yuan Shih-kai,Houghton Library,Cambridge,MA.
    6"The Death of Ambassador William Woodville Rockhill",The Chinese Students'Monthly.Vol.1,No.4,1915:194-195.
    9丁名楠、张振鹍:《帝国主义侵略中国领土西藏的罪恶历史》,《历史研究》1959(5):14。冷战期间美国政府确实曾染指西藏,支持叛乱活动,但这里的关键是柔克义的游历与美帝国主义的利益是否前后相联且密不可分。须知,他的两次藏区游历是在被迫辞去驻华使馆公职之后进行的。此外,1889年他没能进入西藏;1892年那次他终于进入今日西藏的那曲地区,但也并非“秘密”,因为他手中持有大清朝廷开具的旅行护照,见W.W.Rockhill,Diary of a journey through Mongolia and Tibet in 1891 and 1892.Washington:The Smithonian Institution,1894:236.
    11 E.Hippisley,"William Woodville Rockhill",Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland,1915:367-374.
    12 George Minkin,William Woodville Rockhill,Thesis,Harvard University,1941:4,85.
    13 Paul A.Varg,Open Door Diplomat,Urbana:University of Illinois Press,1952:125.
    14近来的研究,亦参Karl E.Meyer,"Close Encounters of an American Kind:William Woodville Rockhill in Tibet",World Policy Joumal,Va\.15,No.4.1998/1999:73-90.
    15有极少文章本文无法涉及,譬如他在美国国务院工作期间写的"Evils to be Remedied in Our Consular Service",The Forum,1897(Feb.):673-688;"The Bureau of the American Republics,Its Past and Future",The Forum,1900(Sept.):21-27;"Notes on the Constitutions of the Republic of Colombia",International Law,Ⅱ,1904:1-10.
    16Wimmel,William Woodville Rockhill,2003:3-11.
    17 C.H.Desgodins,La mission du Thibet de 1855 a 1870,Verdun:C.Laurent,1872.
    18 FrerLeon,Le Tibet,Paris,1886.
    19 W.W.Rockhill,The life of the Buddha and the early history of his order,London:Trübner&co.,1884:203-229.
    20 W.W.Rockhill,"The Sutra in Forty-two Chapters,translated from the Tibetan",Journal of the American Oriental Society,11 Proc.xlix-li,1880:49-51.
    21 W.W.Rockhill trans.,Pratimoksha sutra;ou,Le traite d'emancipation selon la version tibetaine,avec notes etextraits du Dulva(Vinaya),Paris:E.Leroux,1884.W.W.Rockhill,trans.,The life of the Buddha,and the early history of his order.Derived from Tibetan works in the Bkah-hgyur and Bstan-hgyur.Followed by notices on the early history of Tibet and Khoten,London:Trübner&co.,1884.W.W.Rockhill,Trans,from Tibetan,"Le Traite D'Emancipation ou Pratimoksha Sutra",Revue de l'Histoire des Religions.IX.1884:1-2,3-26,167-201.
    24 W.W.Rockhill,The Land of the Lamas,London:Longmans,1891:97-107.
    25 W.W.Rockhill,"Tibet.A Geographical,Ethnographical,and Historical Sketch,Derived from Chinese Sources",The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland,1891:2;Rockhill,The Land of the Lamas,1891:104.
    26 Rockhill papers,Box 98,folder 2 of 3,Notes on Tibetan language,Houghton Library,Cambridge,MA.
    27 Rockhill papers,Box 106-110,folder 1 of 13,Vinayapitaka,Houghton Library,Cambridge,MA.
    28 P.E.Foucaux,"Introduction",Parabole de l'enfant egare,formant le chapitreⅣdu Lotus de la bonne loi,Paris:B.Duprat,1854:51.
    29 W.W.Rockhill,"Review of Hand book of Colloquial Tibetan",Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain&Ireland(New Series),Volume 27,Issue 4,1895:918.
    31 Rockhill,The Land of the Lamas,1891.
    32 Rockhill,Diary of a journey through Mongolia and Tibet in 1891 and 1892,1894.
    33 Wimmel,William Woodville Rockhill,2003:53.
    34 S.W.Bushell,"The Early History of Tibet.From Chinese Sources",Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland,New Series,Vol.12,No.4,1880:435-541.
    35 W.W.Rockhill,"Tibet.A Geographical,Ethnographical,and Historical Sketch,Derived from Chinese Sources",The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 1891:1.
    36 W.W.Rockhill,"Notes on certain analogous structures and constructions in Tibetan and Japanese",Journal of the American Oriental Society,11 Proceedings(54),1880:liv."Two Mongolian inscriptions in the Pa-sse-pa character",Journal of the American Oriental Society,11 Proc.1882:107.
    37 Rockhill papers,Additional papers,box.85a.Houghton Library,Cambridge,MA.
    38 W.W.Rockhill,"Korea in Its Relations with China",Journal of the American Oriental Society,Vol.13,1889:1.
    39 W.W.Rockhill,The Open Door,Boston Merchants Association,1900.
    41 W.W.Rockhill,"Notes on Some of the Laws,Customs,and Superstitions of Korea",American Anthropologist,Vol.4,No.2,1891:177-188.
    42 W.W.Rockhill,Treaties and conventions with or concerning China and Korea,Washington:Gov't Print Office,1904.
    43 W.W.Rockhill,China's intercourse with Korea from the XVth century to 1895,London:Luzac&Co.,1905:8-9,
    44 Rockhill,China'sintercourse with Korea from the XVth century to 1895,1905:4.
    45 Rockhill,China's intercourse with Korea from theXVth century to 1895,1905:3-4,9.
    46 Rockhill,"Korea in Its Relations with China",1889:31.
    47 Rockhill,Diary of a journey through Mongolia and Tibet in 1891 and 1892,1894:324.
    48 W.W.Rockhill,"The Dalai Lamas of Lhasa and Their Relations with the Manchu Emperors of China,1644-1908",T'oungPao,Vol.11,No.1,1910:1-104,esp.86.
    49 Rockhill,The Land of the Lamas,1891:56.
    50 Rockhill,Diary of a journey through Mongolia and Tibet in 1891 and 1892,1894:209,363-364.
    51 Rockhill,The Land D,the Lamas,1891:276—77.
    53 Rockhill,The Land of the Lamas,1891:319,227,236,241.
    54W.W.Rockhill,”Tbe 1910 Census of the Population of China”,Tbung Pao,vol.13,No.1,1912:124.
    55W.W Rockhill,"Diplomatic Missions to the Court of China:The Kotow Question”。The American Historical Review,Vol.2,No.3,1897:427—442;N0.4,1897:627—643.
    58 W.W Roekhill,Diplomatic audiences at the court ofChino.London:Luzae&Co.,1905:1—2.
    60 Rockhill,Diplomatic audiences at the court of China,1905:1-3,5,48—54.
    61 Rockhill,The Land of the Lamas,1891:18-19,23,48,206,277-285.
    62 W.W.Rockhill,"Notes on the Relations and Trade of China with the Eastern Archipelago and the Coast of the Indian Ocean during the Fourteenth Century:Part I",T'oung Pao,Vol.15,No.3,1914:419.
    63 W.W.Rockhill,"Notes on the Relations and Trade of China with the Eastern Archipelago and the Coast of the Indian Ocean during the Fourteenth Century:Part V",T'oung Pao,Vol.16,No.5,1915:626.
    66 Stephan Feuchtwang,”Border regions and empty spaces”,Chinese Religions Workshop,Harvard University,Feb.2,2013.
    68关于此松也有别的说法,见Wimmel,William Woodville Rockhill,2003:xiv.
    69B.Laufer,”William Woodville Rockhill”,Toung Pao,Vol.16,No.2,1915:290.

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