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大量研究证明了在面孔记忆任务中存在着本组偏差(own-group bias),人们识别本组面孔的绩效显著好于他组面孔,例如:种族偏差(own-race bias),性别偏差(own-sex bias)和本年龄偏差(own-age bias)。本组偏差的产生可能与注意资源的分配有关Palmer采用注意分配任务,发现在分配性注意条件下性别偏差消失(Palmer,2013)。周国梅等人采用类似的注意分配任务,发现在分配性注意条件下种族偏差减弱甚至消失(Guomei Zhou,2014)。本研究通过操纵注意条件来考察注意资源的减少是否会削弱本年龄偏差。在实验一a中,我们采用成人面孔和4岁儿童面孔作为实验材料,通过加入或者不加入视觉干扰任务来对注意资源进行操控,实验结果显示被试在完全注意条件(不加入视觉干扰任务)下表现出了典型的本年龄偏差;然而在分配性注意条件(加入视觉干扰任务)下,本年龄偏差消失。在实验一b中,我们采用了另一个知觉通道的任务即听觉干扰任务来对注意资源进行操控,实验结果显示被试在完全注意条件下,出现了本年龄偏差;而在分配性注意条件下,本年龄偏差消失。实验一我们采用了不同通道的注意操控方法,结果都表明注意资源的减少会消除本年龄偏差。实验一a和b的结果显示,完全注意条件与分配性注意条件相比,被试记忆他年龄段面孔刺激的绩效没有显著差异,然而被试记忆本年龄段面孔刺激的绩效存在显著差异,也就是说分配性注意条件下本年龄偏差的消失是由于记忆识别本年龄段面孔刺激的不足所导致的。为什么分配性注意条件仅仅干扰了本年龄段面孔刺激的记忆,先前的研究认为对于本组刺激人们更多地采用整体加工的策略,是不是分配性注意干扰了整体加工,因而对于本年龄段刺激不能进行整体加工?因此我们进行了实验二,实验利用组合面孔任务,同时采用与实验一一致的注意操作方法,结果发现完全注意条件下,被试能对本年龄段的面孔进行整体加工;分配性注意条件下,被试不能对本年龄段面孔进行整体加工。本研究的结果证明注意与本年龄偏差间存在相关性,同时也表明注意影响年龄偏差可能是通过影响整体加工来实现的。
numerous studies have demonstrated that there is own-group bias in tasks of facial recognition, in which people perform better when recognizing faces of their own groups than that of other groups, such as, own-race bias, own-sex bias and own-age bias. The reason why own-group bias comes into being is probably related to the division of attention resources. Through divided attention tasks, Palmer discovered that own-sex bias disappeared under the condition of divided attention(Palmer, 2013). Guomei Zhou et al. have adopted similar divided attention tasks and they found out that own-race bias disappeared under the condition of divided attention(Guomei Zhou, 2014). This study investigates the relationship between attention and own-age bias.In experiment 1.a, we adopted adult faces and children faces as experiment materials, to manipulate attention resources by adding or not adding visual interference tasks. Experiment result demonstrated that participants have shown typical own-age bias under a full attention condition(without visual interference tasks); however, own-age bias disappeared when the subjects were under a divided attention condition(with visual interference tasks). In experiment 1.b, we adopted another perceptive channel task, which was the auditory interference task to manipulate attention resources, and the experiment demonstrated that the subjects had shown own-age bias under a full attention condition; nevertheless, own-age bias disappeared when the subjects were under a divided attention condition. We have adopted two methods of different channels to manipulate attention in experiment 1, all results of which demonstrated that the reduction of attention resources does eliminate own-age bias. Both the results of experiment 1.a and 1.b revealed that there was no significant discrepancy in the performances of the subjects remembering the facial stimulation of other age groups when he was under a full attention condition or a divided attention condition; however, significant discrepancy was detected in that of their own age group. In other words, the reason why own-age bias disappeared when under a divided attention condition lies in the lack of facial stimulation from own age group for stimulation memory. Why does the divided attention condition interfere the facial stimulation memory of subjects' own age group only? Previous studies suggested that people tend to adopt holistically processing as the strategy for own-age group stimulation, so is it possible that the divided attention has interfered the holistically processing, and thus the stimulation from own-age group cannot be processed holistically? Therefore, we conducted experiment 2, in which the composite facial task was adopted, with the same attention manipulation methods in experiment 1.The result showed that the subjects were able to process faces holistically of his own-age group under a full attention condition, yet they failed under a divided attention condition. The result of this study revealed that there is relativity between attention and own-age bias; meanwhile, attention resource influence the age bias may be achieved by affecting the holistically processing.

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