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近年台灣都會地區快速發展,使不透水地表面積增加,加上大量抽取地下水降低局部地下水水位,以興建建築基礎,皆是造成都會區地下水位下降之原因。因此,都市保水必須採取更多元的策略與手段,以因應此一趨勢所造成的挑戰。近年來,低衝擊開發(Low Impact Development)的觀念逐漸受到重視,國際間常採用低衝擊開發之入滲工法為都市防洪的一種新興手段,常見的低衝擊開發措施,多是利用原不透水區域,以入滲方式削減地表逕流,以小單元分散式之連結發揮最大之功效,以回復該區塊之原始水文循環狀態為目標,亦可成為都會區保水措施。本研究是以台中市卵礫石地層為研究對象,以辦公大樓旁之空地,設置一植生滯留池並加入礫石樁,利用礫石樁之高滲透性,將自大樓屋頂收集之降雨逕流,快速導入含水層中,進而補注地下水。經以人為注水試驗結果,顯示植生滯留池於設置礫石樁後,入滲率可提升約10倍,而觀測自然降雨事件,入滲率提升則更加顯著。以SWMM評估植生滯留池設置前後之功效,植生滯留池設置後,於5年重現期距降雨事件下,可增加86%出流體積削減,可減少5%洪峰流量。
Due to climate change,extreme rainfall and typhoon events occur more and more frequently in the recent years.For urban area,risk of flooding increases due to fast development with increasing non-pervious surface and highly concentrated population.The purposes of the installed facilities are to enhance infiltration capacity of the ground-surface during rainfall events and reduce surface runoff such that the risk of flood can be reduced.The benefits of flood reduction can be estimated which also gives multiple options for strategies in urban flooding reduction.The infiltrated water can at the same time recharge the groundwater aquifer such that water resources in urban area can be restored.This is a win-win situation.
[1]Ayers Emily,(2011),"Leature Notes LID 101 Why Consider Green Infrastructure?"
    [2]Louise Ellis and Chris Ellis,2014."Using retro-fit green infradtmcture to reduce pollution and flooding in Llanelli and Gowerton,South Wales.",Hydrolink,(2)pp.50-53.

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